From: Jaison Krueger
Sent: Fri May 03 11:18:18 2019
To: Brenda Reiner
Cc: Gerald Fisher; Derek Anderson
Subject: Wave Broadband ROW applications - Adrian Ct & Park Ave
Importance: Normal
Attachments: 309 E Park Ave-City App.pdf; 309 E Park Ave-Utility Plan.pdf; 559 Andrian Ct-City App.pdf; 559 Andrian Ct-Utility Plan.pdf; Good morning Brenda, I would like to submit two ROW permits for utility work for service drops on Park Ave and Andrian Ct. Both projects will be on the shoulder and continuing onto private property. Mountain West will be our contractor and we are planning on completing the work the week of 5/13/19. Please let me know if you have any questions or need additional information. Thank you, Jaison Krueger Permit Technician III Construction Project Management - Oregon wave 669 Glatt Circle Woodburn, OR 97071 503.383.5350 (m)