From: Andy Peters

Sent: Thu May 24 07:58:29 2018

To: Heather Penni

Cc: Gerald Fisher; Andrew Schafer

Subject: FW: new billing / account info

Importance: Normal

Attachments: image001.png; PGE Conversion Keys_CITY OF MOLALLA.XLSX;


Thanks Andrew,

Heather, PGE has asked that I pass this along to you. I understand you are already on top of this accounting system phase in. But let me know if I there is action needed from me?


Andy Peters

City of Molalla

Public Works Operations Supervisor

(503) 829-6855 x220

Cell: 503-793-0507

117 N Molalla Ave

Molalla, OR 97038

From: Andrew Schafer <>

Sent: Wednesday, May 23, 2018 4:54 PM

To: 'gfisher' <>

Cc: Andy Peters <>

Subject: new billing / account info

Gerald and Andy,

as we talked about during our annual report, PGE has implemented a new billing system which should allow us to serve you better. One of the effects was a new account number for each of your services.

Attached is a spreadsheet that lists the old info vs. new info. Please share this with the appropriate A/P personnel. The only changes should be to your account number, and your point of delivery (POD) number. The file is encrypted; I will send password under a separate email. If you have questions, feel free to contact me.

Please note:




Andrew Schafer | LEED AP BD+C



Key Customer Manager | p:503-464-2583 | c:503-250-4853 • Follow us on social @PortlandGeneral