From: Andy Peters

Sent: Thu Oct 18 13:36:48 2018

To: Gerald Fisher; Kelly Richardson; Dan Huff; Chaunee Seifried; Christie DeSantis; Rod Lucich

Subject: Public Notice- Surplus Auction

Importance: Normal

Attachments: Public Notice -Surplus Auction rev3.pdf;


Good Afternoon! Now that we have titles for the vehicles we can proceed with a public auction for Surplus Items and get some areas cleaned up! I’ve prepared the necessary documents:

  1. 1. Public Notice
  2. 2. Bid forms
  3. 3. Terms and Conditions


Would anyone like to review and approve before we proceed? I’m passing it to the crews also to make sure we get everything. Would Police Dept like me to add any items? I can hold off a month if it would help, and I’d be happy to handle the details for the PD.

This has been in the works for a long time, and will probably be a bi-annual workflow we can get used to. Let me know your thoughts.


Andy Peters

City of Molalla

Public Works Operations Supervisor

(503) 829-6855 x220

Cell: 503-793-0507

117 N Molalla Ave

Molalla, OR 97038