From: Gerald Fisher
Sent: Tue Oct 16 13:01:15 2018
To: Chaunee Seifried; Dan Huff
Cc: Heather Penni; Ginger Harville; Andy Peters
Subject: RE: Front Door will be stopping in the next couple weeks.
Importance: Normal
Make sure your staff shut off the heat whole opening the door in the mornings and it shouldn't negatively affect others working in the office. City Hall is climate controlled with outside air exchange so they should be able to work with Andy to adjust the settings to reach a happy medium. Also, we shouldn't see any space heaters on while the doors are open. In fact, perhaps we should be looking at removing the space heaters from the office entirely since it is no longer the drafty old place it used to be.
Would be happy to meet as a group to hear all sides so we know what all of the issues are. I am thinking about energy and cost but would like to hear others concerns in an effort to make everyone happy.
Sent from my Verizon 4G LTE smartphone
-------- Original message --------
From: Chaunee Seifried <>
Date: 10/16/18 10:07 AM (GMT-08:00)
To: Dan Huff <>, Gerald Fisher <>
Cc: Heather Penni <>, Ginger Harville <>
Subject: Front Door will be stopping in the next couple weeks.
For the next couple of weeks (only)while it’s still hot out the office will be opening the door on an occasional basis just to clear out the air. It won’t be open for an extended amount of time and will stop as soon as the weather changes back to typical Oregon weather.