From: Poole, Jamie

Sent: Wed Jul 22 15:28:27 2020

To: Poole, Jamie

Cc: Jefferson, Stephanie

Subject: Update on agenda for 7/23 City EM COVID Call

Importance: Normal


City EMs,

I have received quite a few items for our agenda tomorrow, so I wanted to provide it to you in advance. We will have a guest with us, Stephanie Jefferson with Clackamas County Behavioral Health (copied). She will provide a quick overview and answer any questions about the mental health/crisis support Go Teams that are available.


- Guest: Stephanie Jefferson, Behavioral Health Go Teams

- Governor’s new orders

o Effective Friday, July 24th:

§ Face coverings are required for age 5 and up

§ Restaurants and bars must close at 10pm statewide, regardless of phase

§ Face coverings are now required when exercising indoors, plus outdoors when you can’t physically distance

§ Capacity limit for restaurants, gyms, venues (e.g. concert halls, movie theaters) is reduced to 100 people indoors, including staff

- Phase II application and current metrics

- COVID Employee Travel Policies – if employee travels to “hot spot”

- Cooling Centers

o CDC guidance:

o Send cooling center info to Jamie for Human Services Branch and website update

- CARES funding webinar sponsored by League of Oregon Cities, Thursday at noon

- Oregon OHSA Infection Disease Rulemaking Session re: General Office Settings, Thursday at 1 PM Register at

- Face covering guidance and ability to refuse service to someone wearing mesh face covering intent not to comply

- Ability to refuse service to someone exhibiting symptoms (coughing, sneezing, etc.)

- City updates / good of the order

Thank you,

Jamie Poole

Outreach and Technology Coordinator

Pronouns: she/her/hers

Clackamas County Disaster Management | 2200 Kaen Road, Oregon City, OR 97045

503-278-9150 (cell) | |

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