From: HARVEY Julie

Sent: Wed Sep 23 12:50:13 2020

To: Gerald Fisher; Ryan Hepler

Cc: NUSRALA JAMES B; Carpenter, Kurt D

Subject: TONIGHT - Potential for USGS sampling

Importance: High

Attachments: image001.png;


Hi Gerald and Ryan –

USGS and other local partners are working with water systems affected by the wildfires to collect samples to characterize the impacts on drinking water systems and their source watersheds. With the rains expected today/tonight, they are hoping to collect “first flush” samples and wondered in Molalla could collect samples for USGS analysis. As you can imagine, resources are spread pretty thin right now as they are responding in multiple watersheds along the cascade crest.

Would you be willing to collect the following samples tonight/tomorrow:

· 1 L samples during rise, peak, and fall in flow

· Record turbidity as available

· USGS (Kurt Carpenter) would pick up samples tomorrow, just keep on ice

Samples would be analyzed for things like turbidity, suspended sediments, organic carbon, nutrients, trace ions, nutrients, DOC, TOC.

USGS contact is Kurt Carpenter, Research Hydrologist – he is copied on this email. Kurt also is a part of the NRCS NWQI assessment Technical Advisory Team. Email is

Please contact me to discuss or if you have any questions . You can reach me on my cell at 503-867-5999 or via email.



Julie Harvey (she/her)| Drinking Water Protection Program Coordinator

Oregon Department of Environmental Quality Water Quality Division

700 NE Multnomah St., Suite 600, Portland, OR 97232-4100

(503) 229-5664 |