From: Gerald Fisher

Sent: Wed Sep 09 13:15:54 2020

To: Dan Huff; Andy Peters

Subject: Re: Update on water plant

Importance: Normal


If we lose power then we will need to get PGE in there immediately and draw on Fire District for refueling horsepower. We lose the plant we will probably lose everything. They need to protect that plant and the power lines to it.


Dan - Please email Vince and let him know that is a priority for protection. Plant down to the river. Hopefully we will not have water quality issues.


Dan and Andy - If the fire hits any of the structures in town with PVC pipe then we will need to isolate those section of the lines from the rest so no contamination due to plastics. I need to know if fire gets into town. I will come in if that happens.



From: Dan Huff

Sent: Wednesday, September 9, 2020 12:58:28 PM

To: Andy Peters; Gerald Fisher

Subject: RE: Update on water plant

My information at this point is that we may be in this for two or more days.

From: Andy Peters <>

Sent: Wednesday, September 9, 2020 11:50 AM

To: Dan Huff <>; Gerald Fisher <>

Subject: Update on water plant

Reservoir are 18.5 feet (19.5 is full) demand out of the reservoirs just checked was 1600gpm, we are making 2400 gpm so we are keeping up fine.

Just for your own information, the biggest constraint is losing power. if we lose power the generators will kick on and they will need to be refueled eight from that period. I can't think of any real preparations to make for this scenario. Soif we got all the way to that point, we would probably need help getting fuel up there from someone who can make it safely into the zone.
