From: Andy Peters
Sent: Wed Oct 28 09:44:13 2020
To: Hutchins, Brian; Jason Faucera
Cc: Gerald Fisher; Ryan Hepler; John Runyon; Ed Salminen
Subject: RE: Follow-up from our meeting last week
Importance: Normal
Thank you Brian!
Andy Peters
City of Molalla
Public Works Operations Supervisor
(503) 829-6855 x220
Cell: 503-793-0507
117 N Molalla Ave
Molalla, OR 97038
From: Hutchins, Brian <>
Sent: Wednesday, October 28, 2020 9:08 AM
To: Jason Faucera <>
Cc: Gerald Fisher <>; Andy Peters <>; Ryan Hepler <>; John Runyon <>; Ed Salminen <>
Subject: Re: Follow-up from our meeting last week
Interesting trend. Use the TOC as a trend, not as a true value. As you can see by the one grab sample sent to the lab, they do differ.
unfortunately the DO probe failed during this time.
Brian Hutchins
Project Manager
Municipal & Commercial Business
tel +1 503 266 6400
591 N Cedar St. Canby, OR 97013
On Tue, Oct 27, 2020 at 1:42 PM Jason Faucera <> wrote:
Good afternoon,
John and Ed have been working to determine what impacts the fires might present for water quality this fall/winter and into the future, and we wanted to circle back with you all to discuss what they found.
We’re hoping to get something scheduled within the next week and a half as we’d like to have a meeting with you all before we schedule the next Technical Advisory Team meeting. We will likely try to have the next TAC meeting the first week of December.
Please fill out this Doodle Poll in the next two days if you can, and by the end of the week at the latest. If something doesn’t work we’ll try another poll for the week of the 9th:
You’ll also see a second email to the entire TAC this afternoon or tomorrow.
Jason Faucera
Conservation Initiatives Manager
Clackamas SWCD
Office: 503-210-6013
Cell: 503-998-3525
From: Jason Faucera <>
Sent: Thursday, October 08, 2020 4:36 PM
To: 'Gerald Fisher' <>; '' <>; '' <>; '' <>
Cc: 'John Runyon' <>
Subject: Follow-up from our meeting last week
Hey folks,
I wanted to let you know that we’ve reached out to both Weyerhaeuser and BLM to see if we can start a dialogue with both as we start to enter the rainy season.
We have made some good contact and are letting them know about our project and your desire to be able to communicate with them moving through this winter. They seem fairly receptive once they get clearance from upper management and their communications teams. John felt like they were willing to be responsive to communication in his conversation with them, but also gets the impression that they are still very unsure of what they are facing at this point.
We just received a preliminary analysis (very early and course burn data) from Ed, our GIS and data analyst for the project, and it looks like there are 15,000+ acres combined under Industrial/BLM ownership that looks to be severely burned and an equal amount that was somewhat less impacted. They will be working to figure out what they can salvage in the very short term.
We’ll let you know when we hear back from them on communications and hopefully you’ll be able to contact them and coordinate on issues moving forward.
Thanks and we’ll be in touch again when we have more to share,
Jason Faucera
Conservation Initiatives Manager
Clackamas SWCD
Office: 503-210-6013
Cell: 503-998-3525