From: Dan Zinder

Sent: Wed Jan 29 09:35:35 2020

To: Michael Howard

Cc: Wilson, Jay; Alice Cannon; Gerald Fisher; Dan Huff

Subject: RE: APPROVED: Molalla NHMP Update

Importance: Normal


Wonderful. Thanks again for all your help and collaboration in putting this together.

Dan Zinder


From: Michael Howard <>

Sent: Tuesday, January 28, 2020 5:10 PM

To: Dan Zinder <>

Cc: Wilson, Jay <>

Subject: APPROVED: Molalla NHMP Update

Dan –

Congratulations your plan is now approved by FEMA!!

Attached is the final version of the city’s NHMP addendum. This version replaces the yellow highlighted text and includes FEMA’s approval and the city’s adoption resolution.

You can download the word and excel files via dropbox:

Let me know if you have issues with downloading the files or anything else.

The county plan, includes Vol. I, Sect. 2 and Vol. III, App. B, referenced in the city addendum can be found here:

Have a great day!


Michael Howard, AICP, CFM

Institute for Policy Research and Engagement

T | 541.346.8413 W |

From: Dan Zinder <>

Sent: Thursday, January 23, 2020 11:00 AM

To: Michael Howard <>

Subject: RE: Molalla NHMP Update

Michael – the resolution was passed last night. I will send it over as soon as the Mayor signs.

Dan Zinder


From: Michael Howard <>

Sent: Thursday, January 23, 2020 10:59 AM

To: Dan Zinder <>

Subject: RE: Molalla NHMP Update

Dan –

Did your council adopt the NHMP addendum on Jan. 8? If so, can you forward me a signed PDF copy of the resolution? I will forward to OEM/FEMA and obtain final FEMA approval.

Have a great day!


From: Dan Zinder <>

Sent: Monday, December 23, 2019 1:32 PM

To: Michael Howard <>

Subject: Molalla NHMP Update

Hi Michael,

Our Council had a work session this month looking over the plan and is scheduled to vote on January 8th. Based on the work session discussion, no obstacles to approval are expected.

Hope you have a wonderful holiday.

Dan Zinder

Associate Planner, City of Molalla

117 N Molalla Ave | PO Box 248

Direct: 503.759.0226 | Office: 503.829.6855