From: Dan Huff

Sent: Thu Sep 10 02:23:58 2020

To: Keith Swigart; Leota Childress; Elizabeth Klein; DeLise Palumbo; Jody Newland; Terry Shankle; Crystal Robles

Cc: Frank Schoenfeld; Christie DeSantis

Subject: Molalla Fire Update

Importance: Normal

Attachments: image002.jpg;


Mayor and Council – This e-mail was meant for a bit ago but I was able to sit in on a briefing with Molalla Fire District Chief Stafford. I thought it best to hear from him before I sent an e-mail out.

Communication – There has been a tremendous lack of communication throughout this entire event. Chief Stafford mentioned that a lack of information has been the most frustrating issue. I realize there hasn’t been much delivered but please remember that we just haven’t had much to deliver. Right now we have the most information since this past Monday. Our Police Department lost their CAD system and we are operating the old fashioned way – radio’s and face to face conversations. As I mentioned, the actual fire-fighting process was discontinued in Colton and the Colton Rural Fire District is staging in Molalla. I have no information regarding the current status of the Colton area. Visibility is about zero according to Chief Stafford in Colton. There will be a region based Emergency Operation Center (EOC) start-up on Friday. They will be taking over logistics of fire fighting in the region.

Resources – As you can imagine, enough resources and a lack of information is the largest problem in any emergency. The good news is we will be receiving an additional 30 + level 1 wild land fire fighters this morning and through Friday. These additional individuals come with fire-fighting apparatus. There are fires burning all over Oregon right now and resources are stretched very thin.

Logistics – Fires are unpredictable at best and our local fire fighters are dealing with 4 fires burning near Molalla. However, 2 of the fires have merged and the expectation is that more merging will occur. Predictions, many times, are not accurate and these predictions can change dramatically based on current wind levels, smoke levels, etc. The heavy smoke has reduced oxygen and slowed growth but that could change quickly. Chief Stafford and his people will be developing a plan or line of defense for Molalla this morning. I will not know what that will look like until they roll out the plan. The number 1 goal for the Molalla Rural Fire District is to defend Molalla.

Evacuations – Molalla continues to be listed as Level 3 south of Main Street/Highway 211 and Level 2 for the balance of the City. Our Police Department is developing detailed notification plans if that status changes. If we do need to enforce full evacuation, City Police will contact residents door to door in addition to reverse 911. We will know more in the morning. If you are contacted, people need to be ready to go and/or evacuate if they believe that is best at this point for their family.

City’s Role – Again, our Police Department will take the lead on informing our residents if there is a full evacuation order and maintaining peace within the community. They are in full force this morning. We have kept our Water Treatment Plant running at full levels and will be making sure on efforts to protect the Plant.

We are all leaders that people will look to for information. Please look on our Police Facebook Page. The information is accurate and up to date as information is available. Or, contact the Police business line at 503-829-8817. As always, you know you can contact me personally.

Dan Huff

City Manager

City of Molalla, Oregon





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