From: Bush, Nancy

Sent: Thu Nov 12 13:08:31 2020

To: Poole, Jamie

Subject: FW: NWS Portland - Webinar Slides

Importance: Normal

Attachments: 11-12-2020_EM_webinar.pdf;


Hello City EMs and other partners,

Please see the attached presentation slide deck regarding the upcoming weather. The expectations of this system have changed over the last 24-hours. This system is not panning out to be nearly as impactful as previously expected.

Please go to for updates. I will not be sending anything our further unless the system changes.


Nancy Bush, MBA, MA (she, her, hers)


Clackamas County Disaster Management

1710 Red Soils Ct

Oregon City, OR 97045

Desk: 503.655.8665

Cell: 971.806.3379