From: Dan Huff

Sent: Fri Sep 11 11:46:17 2020

To: Gerald Fisher; Frank Schoenfeld; Chris Long; Christie DeSantis; Darlene Bishop; Andy Peters; Chaunee Seifried; Cindy Chauran; Dan Zinder; Ginger Harville; Maeghan Sandberg; Julie Larson; Diana Hadley; Ronda Lee

Subject: FW: City of Molalla Press Release - 9-11-2020

Importance: Normal

Attachments: Molalla Press Release - 9-11-2020.docx; image001.jpg;


All – Attached is our Press Release from this morning. This was a joint effort of the Chief, Lieutenant Long, Molalla Fire Division Chief, Darlene and I. The information went out on both Facebook Pages, Website, Instagram and the Fire Department Web and Facebook. The e-mail to Council is also included.

We can schedule a call a little later if anyone is interested.


From: Dan Huff

Sent: Friday, September 11, 2020 11:30 AM

To: Keith Swigart <>; Leota Childress <>; Elizabeth Klein <>; DeLise Palumbo <>; Jody Newland <>; Terry Shankle <>; Crystal Robles <>

Subject: City of Molalla Press Release - 9-11-2020

Mayor and Council – Attached to this e-mail is the Press release Chief Schoenfeld and I prepared this morning. As I stated, we also coordinated with a Division Chief at the Fire Department and they are posting this information as well. We seem to be in a holding pattern right now but Fire Personnel feel encouraged that they can deescalate the Fire over the next three (3) days. However, we will stay at Level 3 and we are hopeful people can come back to their homes and businesses very soon.

Our Police Department is well aware of the rumors and some are true regarding looting. We have been watching in town since Wednesday. However, they cannot be everywhere and please let people know that posting on Facebook does not provide the information to Law Enforcement Personnel in a manner that they can use. Please tell people to contact the Police Department directly. Ronda Stone is in today to monitor phones and run down information.

We have deployed extra patrols and your Police Department is here and in the City doing their job. Gerald fisher, Andy Peters and a skeleton public works staff are in today working on our treatment facilities and doing some preparatory maintenance. Darlene Bishop and myself are also in the office today to monitor the phones and provide information as it becomes available.

Many times a press release like this will spark additional questions. We will attempt to provide answers as best we can.

Dan Huff

City Manager

City of Molalla, Oregon





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