From: Poole, Jamie

Sent: Mon Dec 21 15:40:31 2020

Subject: FW: [Localtribal-em] UPDATE: FEMA Student ID Number (SID) Server Outageand Impacts

Importance: Normal


Cities and Partners,

FEMA’s Student ID system has been restored.

Thank you,

Jamie Poole

Outreach and Technology Coordinator

Pronouns: she/her/hers

Clackamas County Disaster Management

503-278-9150 (cell) | |

From: Localtribal-em <> On Behalf Of Layng, Karen via Localtribal-em

Sent: Monday, December 21, 2020 3:07 PM


Subject: [Localtribal-em] UPDATE: FEMA Student ID Number (SID) Server Outage and Impacts

Warning: External email. Be cautious opening attachments and links.


**Sent to OEM Local-Tribal Emergency Manager List and OERS Council List**



Good afternoon Local and Tribal Emergency Managers, and OERS Council Representatives,

The FEMA Student Identification number (SID) system taken offline last week at FEMA’s Center for Domestic Preparedness has been restored. The systems listed below are back in service.

Thank you,

Karen Layng

State Training Officer | SAA TPOC

State Voluntary Agency Liaison

ESF16 Volunteers and Donations Lead

Oregon Office of Emergency Management

503-378-3231 (desk) | 971-719-0865 (cell)​

Contact the ESF16 Volunteer and Donations Coordination Team:

Register as a volunteer and make a donations offer:


From: Layng, Karen

Sent: Thursday, December 17, 2020 2:37 PM


Subject: INFO: FEMA Student ID Number (SID) Server Outage and Impacts

**Sent to OEM Local-Tribal Emergency Manager List and OERS Council List**



Good afternoon Local and Tribal Emergency Managers, and OERS Council Representatives,


The Center for Domestic Preparedness removed the FEMA student identification number (SID) server from their network on December 15. This action occurred in response to an emergency directive from the Department of Homeland Security's Cyber and Infrastructure Security Agency (CISA) to address potential SolarWinds Orion Code Compromise. If you’ve been following the news, the SolarWinds compromise has been widely reported in the media. They currently do not have an estimate for when the FEMA SID server may be back online.



This directly impacts FEMA's ability to create FEMA Student Identification Numbers needed to apply for training at:


In addition to the impacts listed above, the following EMI online services are currently offline and will not be available until the FEMA SID server is operational:

· ​Independent Study (IS) course exams. Independent Study courses can still be accessed/reviewed.

· National Emergency Training Center (NETC) Online Admissions (EMI and National Fire Academy online application system)



EMI is prepared to process course applications manually as needed for virtual delivery or field courses taking place in the next few weeks. They strongly recommend that individuals do not attempt to apply for any courses in February 2021 or beyond until the situation is resolved or additional guidance provided.

Please contact me if you have any questions.

Thank you,

Karen Layng

State Training Officer | SAA TPOC

State Voluntary Agency Liaison

ESF16 Volunteers and Donations Lead

Oregon Office of Emergency Management

503-378-3231 (desk) | 971-719-0865 (cell)​

Contact the ESF16 Volunteer and Donations Coordination Team:

Register as a volunteer and make a donations offer: