From: Poole, Jamie
Sent: Thu Aug 20 14:27:21 2020
Subject: Follow up from 8/20 City EM COVID call
Importance: Normal
Attachments: Phases and gathering sizes 8.20.20.xlsx; City EMs, Below are updates I promised in today’s call and a couple additional items. Gathering Size Spreadsheet – I double checked the attached spreadsheet today. There were no significant changes from the last one I sent. Draft Oregon OSHA COVID-19 Rule for Public & Stakeholder Comment - PLEASE FORWARD TO YOUR HR DEPARTMENTS! - Oregon OSHA’s draft temporary COVID-19 standard is now available at - A summary of the requirements as they would apply to the general workplace can be found at: - Comments will be accepted through August 31. Send comments via email to Oregon OSHA’s rulemaking team at - Upcoming public forums to discuss the rule will be held virtually and are currently being scheduled. A copy of the draft temporary standard, up-to-date information on stakeholder forums, and other related documents describing the background of this temporary rulemaking can be found on Oregon OSHA’s infectious disease rulemaking advisory page. - Direct any questions to Matt Kaiser, the lead technical contact on the rule, by e-mail at Small business, CBO, and ag employer PPE Request Form – the county EOC has PPE available for small businesses, CBOs and agricultural employers. Please share this information with businesses and organizations meeting the criteria below. - Small Businesses Must have 25 or fewer employees and be located within Clackamas County. Priority is given to minority-owned, women-owned, veteran-owned, those with disabilities, and emerging, small businesses, in accordance with the Stateof Oregon Equity Framework in COVID-19 Response and Recovery. - Community Based Organizations (CBOs) Organizations providing services to seniors, people with disabilities, culturally-specific communities, communities of color, people with underlying health conditions, people living in congregate settings, people experiencing houselessness and groups impacted by inequities. - Agricultural Employer Any person, corporation, or association who owns or operates an agricultural establishment in Clackamas County and hires employees who work for an agricultural establishment including a farm, ranch, nursery, greenhouse, or production facility. August 27 meeting canceled – I will send out the cancelation. We will shift to an every other week meeting schedule. I will update the invite. Our next meeting will be on September 3. #ClackCo Town Hall: Race Issues in Clackamas County – If you missed it, you can watch the town hall on race issues in Clackamas County. Some cities were mentioned in the communities’ comments. Thank you, Jamie Poole Outreach and Technology Coordinator Pronouns: she/her/hers Clackamas County Disaster Management | 2200 Kaen Road, Oregon City, OR 97045 503-278-9150 (cell) | | Follow Clackamas County: Facebook | Twitter | YouTube Follow Disaster Management: Facebook | Twitter Sign up for Public Alerts: