From: Poole, Jamie
Sent: Tue Jun 23 08:09:54 2020
Subject: FW: [Localtribal-em] FW: FEMA RX Public Assistance COVID-19 FEMA DailyUpdate 6.22.2020
Importance: Normal
Attachments: image003.png; image004.png; image005.png; CARES Act Telehealth or Telemedicine Infrastructure or Equipment.pdf; To Whom It May Concern: Please see the FEMA Public Assistance update for Monday, 6/22. Thank you, Jamie Poole Outreach and Technology Coordinator Pronouns: she/her/hers Clackamas County Disaster Management | 2200 Kaen Road, Oregon City, OR 97045 503-278-9150 (cell) | | From: Localtribal-em <> On Behalf Of Slevin, Julie via Localtribal-em Sent: Monday, June 22, 2020 1:20 PM To: '' <>; '' <> Cc: McCormick, Sean M <>; Nicole Peters <>; 'Melbourne Hilary' <>; Lucas Pagan <>; Kuechle Lillianna <>; 'Jeff Stump' <> Subject: [Localtribal-em] FW: FEMA RX Public Assistance COVID-19 FEMA Daily Update 6.22.2020 Warning: External email. Be cautious opening attachments and links.
Hi All, Here is today FEMA Region Ten update 6-22-20
Subject: FEMA RX Public Assistance COVID-19 FEMA Daily Update 6.22.2020
Good afternoon,
Happy Monday! Hope everyone had a relaxing weekend! Please keep letting us know how we can assist you, and if there are any particular topics or questions you’d like to be addressed. Here’s today’s update!
Telehealth/Telemedicine Information (See attached PDF): We have received some questions regarding the purchase of equipment eligibility for telehealth/telemedicine for Public Assistance. The Medical Care Policy does not list telehealth/telemedicine as an eligible activity and the “emergency and inpatient clinical care” is facility-specific and says it is eligible “in a” primary medical care facility and/or “in a” temporary or expanded medical facility. The purchase of laptops and VPN’s would be increased operating costs under PA. The following resources are identified for telehealth/telemedicine and are compiled with publicly available information or with information provided by sources that are publicly obtainable. The user should always directly consult the provider of a potential resource for current program information and to verify the applicability of a particular program. Additionally, if asked, you may want to point to the other CARES Act funding resources below.
Financial Resources
| Department-Agency-Org
| Summary
| Total Funding
| Description
| Recovery Support Function
| Funding Type
| Deadline
| (USHHS) Department of Health and Human Services - Health Resources and Services Administration U.S. Department of Health & Human Services (HHS) / Health Resources & Services Administration (HRSA)
| HHS/HRSA - Telehealth Network Grant Program (93.211)
| $8,700,000
| Grant funding for promoting rural tele-emergency services with an emphasis on tele-stroke, tele-behavioral health, and Tele-Emergency Medical Services (Tele-EMS).
This notice announces the opportunity to apply for funding under the Telehealth Network Grant Program (TNGP). The funding opportunity is aimed towards promoting rural Tele-emergency services with an emphasis on tele-stroke, tele-behavioral health, and Tele-Emergency Medical Services (Tele-EMS). This will be achieved by enhancing telehealth networks to deliver 24-hour Emergency Department (ED) consultation services via telehealth to rural providers without emergency care specialists. These services may include assessment of patients upon admission to the ED, interpretation of patient symptoms and clinical tests or data, supervision of providers administering treatment or pharmaceuticals, or coordination of patient transfer from the local ED. The overarching goals for the Telehealth Network Grant Program are to:
| [Community Planning and Capacity Building, Economic, Health and Social Services]
| Jun-15-2020
| (USDA) Department of Agriculture - Rural Utilities Service U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) / Rural Utilities Services (RUS)
| USDA/RUS - FY20 Distance Learning &Telemedicine Grants (10.855)
| $25,000,000
| The DLT Program provides financial assistance to enable and improve distance learning and telemedicine services in rural areas.
PROGRAM STATUS: Second Application Window is Open APPLICATION DEADLINE: July 13, 2020
Hoja Informativa del Programa en Español
What does this program do? The Distance Learning and Telemedicine program helps rural communities use the unique capabilities of telecommunications to connect to each other and to the world, overcoming the effects of remoteness and low population density. For example, this program can link teachers and medical service providers in one area to students and patients in another. To learn more about recently funded DLT projects, Rural Development has developed a map of recently funded DLT projects All upcoming events will be posted on the events program tab. Special Note The agency is providing this additional filing window for those that could not complete applications prior to the Window 1 deadline. This window also makes available up to $25 million received from the Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security Act (CARES Act). While the CARES Act requires these funds be used to prevent, prepare for, and respond to coronavirus, the agency believes that all DLT projects already serve that purpose. As a result, while not required, applicants are encouraged to identify specific ways in which their application addresses COVID-19. This second application window is announced through a Funding Opportunity Announcement (FOA) published on this web page and in Who may apply? For both programs, eligible applicants include most entities that provide education or health care through telecommunications, including:
DLT 100% grant applications are accepted through a competitive process. How may the funds be used? Grant funds may be used for:
What kinds of funding are available? Grant-only funds, awarded through a nationally competitive process – 15% match required.
| [Community Planning and Capacity Building, Economic, Health and Social Services]
| Jul-13-2020
| (USHHS) Department of Health and Human Services - Health Resources and Services Administration
| HHS/HRSA - CARES Act: FY20-22 Rural Health &Telemedicine
| Funding not identified.
| $180 million to carry out telehealth and rural health activities under sections 330A and 330I of the PHS Act and sections 711 and 1820 of the Social Security Act to prevent, prepare for, and respond to coronavirus, domestically or internationally
CARES Act Awards:
CARES Act Text: Provided further, That $180,000,000 of the funds appropriated under this paragraph shall be transferred to Health Resources and Services Administration Rural Health to remain available until September 30, 2022, to carry out telehealth and rural health activities under sections 330A and 330I of the PHS Act and sections 711 and 1820 of the SocialSecurity Act to prevent, prepare for, and respond to coronavirus, domestically or internationally: Provided further, That of the funding in the previous proviso, no less than $15,000,000 shall be allocated to tribes, tribal organizations, urban Indian health organizations, or health service providers to tribes: Provided further, That section 1820(g)(3)(A), section 1820(g)(3)(D) and section 1820(g)(3)(E) of such Act shall not apply to funds in the preceding two provisos: Provided further, That funds appropriated under this heading in this Act may be made available to restore amounts, either directly or through reimbursement, for obligations incurred to prevent, prepare for, and respond to coronavirus, domestically or internationally, prior to the date of enactment of this Act: Provided further, That for the purposes of any funding provided for fiscal year 2020 for the Health Centers Program pursuant to section 330 of the PHS Act (42 U.S.C. 254b), maintaining or increasing health center capacity and staffing levels H. R. 748-283 during a public health emergency related to coronavirus shall be deemed a cost of prevention, diagnosis, and treatment of coronavirus: Provided further, That such amount is designated by the Congress as being for an emergency requirement pursuant to section 251(b)(2)(A) of the Balanced Budget and Emergency Deficit Control Act of 1985.
| [Health and Social Services]
| Supplemental
| Deadline not identified.
| (USHHS) Department of Health and Human Services - Administration for Children and Families U.S. Department of Health & Human Services (HHS) / Administration for Children & Families (ACF)
| $2,000,000
Allocated: $2,000,000
| Funding will provide flexibility in how agencies can prevent, prepare for, and respond to the COVID-19 public health emergency while addressing the evolving needs of domestic violence survivors & local domestic violence programs within their communities.
This funding will provide flexibility in how agencies can prevent, prepare for, and respond to the COVID-19 public health emergency while addressing the evolving needs of domestic violence survivors and local domestic violence programs within their communities. Funding may support a wide range of in-scope activities, including remote hotline services, mobile advocacy, telehealth, peer support, supplies, technology, and equipment and software to assist in carrying out remote services. Funding may also support a wide range of expenses necessary to ensure the continuity of hotline/helpline services for domestic violence survivors during the COVID-19 public health emergency.
| [Health and Social Services]
| Supplemental
| Jul-11-2020
| (USHHS) Department of Health and Human Services - Indian Health Service
| HHS/IHS - CARES Act: FY20-21 Indian Health Services
| $1,032,000,000
| For public health support, electronic health record modernization, telehealth and information technology upgrades, Purchased/Referred Care, Catastrophic Health Emergency Fund, Urban Indian Orgs, Tribal Epidemiology Centers, Community Health Reps.
For an additional amount for Indian Health Services, $1,032,000,000, to remain available until September 30, 2021, to prevent, prepare for, and respond to coronavirus, domestically or internationally, including for public health support, electronic health record modernization, telehealth and other information technology upgrades, Purchased/Referred Care, Catastrophic Health Emergency Fund, Urban Indian Organizations, Tribal Epidemiology Centers, Community Health Representatives, and other activities to protect the safety of patients and staff: Provided, That of the amount provided under this heading in this Act, up to $65,000,000 is for electronic health record stabilization and support, including for planning and tribal consultation: Provided further, That of amounts provided under this heading in this Act, not less than $450,000,000 shall be distributed through IHS directly operated programs and to tribes and tribal organizations under the Indian Self-Determination and Education Assistance Act and through contracts or grants with urban Indian organizations under title V of the Indian Health Care Improvement Act: Provided further, That any amounts provided in this paragraph not allocated pursuant to the preceding proviso shall be allocated at the discretion of the Director of the Indian Health Service: Provided further, That of the funds provided herein, up to $125,000,000 may be transferred to and merged with the Indian Health Service, Indian Health Facilities appropriation at the discretion of the Director for the purposes specified in this Act: Provided further, That amounts provided under this heading in this Act, if transferred to tribes and tribal organizations under the Indian Self-Determination and Education Assistance Act, will be transferred on a onetime basis and that these non-recurring funds are not part of the amount required by 25 U.S.C. - 5325, and that such amounts may only be used for the purposes identified under this heading notwithstanding any other provision of law: Provided further, That such amount is designated by the Congress as being for an emergency requirement pursuant to section 251(b)(2)(A) of the Balanced Budget and Emergency Deficit Control Act of 1985. Program Purpose: To prevent, prepare for, and respond to coronavirus, domestically or internationally, including for public health support, electronic health record modernization, telehealth and other information technology upgrades, Purchased/Referred Care, Catastrophic Health Emergency Fund, Urban Indian Organizations, Tribal Epidemiology Centers, Community Health Representatives, and other activities to protect the safety of patients and staff.
| [Health and Social Services]
| Supplemental
| Deadline not identified.
| Other Independent Agencies - Federal Communications Commission Federal Communications Commission (FCC)
| FCC - CARES Act: COVID-19 Telehealth Program
| $200,000,000
Allocated: $33,256,036
| To support efforts of health care providers to address coronavirus by providing telecommunications services, information services, and devices necessary to enable the provision of telehealth services.
The COVID-19 Telehealth Program will provide $200 million in funding, appropriated by Congress as part of the Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security (CARES) Act, to help eligible health care providers provide connected care services to patients at their homes or mobile locations in response to the novel Coronavirus 2019 disease (COVID-19) pandemic. The Program will provide immediate support to eligible health care providers responding to the COVID-19 pandemic by fully funding their telecommunications services, information services, and connected devices necessary to provide critical connected care services until the program’s funds have been expended or the COVID-19 pandemic has ended. The COVID-19 Telehealth program is not a grant program. Funding recipients will be reimbursed for eligible services and devices that they have paid for and received. The FCC started accepting applications for this program on April 13, 2020. Note that the COVID-19 Telehealth Program is limited to sort by nonprofit and public eligible health care providers that fall within the categories of health care providers in section 254(h)(7)(B) of the 1996 Act. For more information, see Question 12 of the FAQs. Additional information on this program and the application process is available at: Before You Apply In advance of filing an application, eligible parties should:
Tips for Completing the OnlineApplication:
Commission staff will review your request and may ask for additional information before issuing a funding decision. If you submitted a fillable PDF application, you do not need to apply again. Your application is already under consideration, and we will contact you if we need any additional information. More Information:
| [Health and Social Services, Infrastructure Systems]
| Supplemental
| Deadline not identified.
| (USHHS) Department of Health and Human Services - Office of the Secretary
| HHS/Office of the Secretary - CARES Act: FY20-24 Public Health &Social Services Emergency Fund
| $11,014,500,000
| HHS COVID-19: countermeasures, platform-based technologies w/ U.S.-based manufacturing, vaccine purchase, therapeutics, diagnostics, medical supplies, medical surge capacity, blood supply chain, workforce modernization, telehealth access/infrastructure.
For an additional amount for Public Health and Social Services Emergency Fund, $27,014,500,000, to remain available until September 30, 2024, to prevent, prepare for, and respond to coronavirus.. domestically or internationally, including the development of necessary countermeasures and vaccines, prioritizing platform-based technologies with U.S.-based manufacturing capabilities, the purchase of vaccines, therapeutics, diagnostics, necessary medical supplies, as well as medical surge capacity, addressing blood supply chain, workforce modernization, telehealth access and infrastructure, initial advanced manufacturing, novel dispensing, enhancements to the U.S. Commissioned Corps, and other preparedness and response activities: Provided, That funds appropriated under this paragraph in this Act may be used to develop and demonstrate innovations and enhancements to manufacturing platforms to support such capabilities: Provided further, That the Secretary of Health and Human Services shall purchase vaccines developed using funds made available under this paragraph in this Act to respond to an outbreak or pandemic related to coronavirus in quantities determined by the Secretary to be adequate to address the public health need: Provided further, That products purchased by the Federal government with funds made available under this paragraph in this Act, including vaccines, therapeutics, and diagnostics, shall be purchased in accordance with Federal Acquisition Regulation guidance on fair and reasonable pricing: Provided further, That the Secretary may take such measures authorized under current law to ensure that vaccines, therapeutics, and diagnostics developed from funds provided in this Act will be affordable in the commercial market: Provided further, That in carrying out the previous proviso, the Secretary shall not take actions that....(See Act for remaining language) Program Purpose: To prevent, prepare for, and respond to coronavirus, domestically or internationally, including the development of necessary countermeasures and vaccines, prioritizing platform-based technologies with U.S.-based manufacturing capabilities, the purchase of vaccines, therapeutics, diagnostics, necessary medical supplies, as well as medical surge capacity, addressing blood supply chain, workforce modernization, telehealth access and infrastructure, initial advanced manufacturing, novel dispensing, enhancements to the U.S. Commissioned Corps, and other preparedness and response activities.
| [Economic]
| Supplemental
| Deadline not identified.
| (USHHS) Department of Health and Human Services - Health Resources and Services Administration U.S. Department of Health & Human Services (HHS) / Health Resources & Services Administration (HRSA)
| HHS/HRSA - CARES Act: FY20 Telehealth Programs (93.211)
| Funding not identified.
| Funding is to be used to foster an increase in telehealth access and infrastructure for providers and families in order to help prevent and respond to COVID-19.
Funding is to be used to foster an increase in telehealth access and infrastructure for providers and families in order to help prevent and respond to COVID-19. The funds will increase capability, capacity and access to telehealth and distant care services for providers, pregnant women, children, adolescents and families; and will assist telehealth providers with cross-state licensure to improve access to health care during the pandemic. HRSA’s Maternal and Child Health Bureau (MCHB) awarded a total of $15 million to four recipients. Each award supports a key area in maternal and child health: pediatric care, maternal health care, state public health systems and family engagement for children with special health care needs. These investments will:
HRSA’s Federal Office of Rural Health Policy (FORHP) awarded a total of $5 million to two recipients through the Licensure Portability Grant Program. This investment will assist telehealth clinicians nationally on licensure and credentialing to meet the emerging needs with the COVID-19 public health emergency. Recipients will work with professional and state licensing boards and national compacts to develop a streamlined process for telehealth clinicians to obtain multi-state licensure.
| [Health and Social Services]
| Supplemental
| Deadline not identified.
| (USHHS) Department of Health and Human Services - Health Resources and Services Administration
| $100,000,000
| All $100 million has been awarded to FQHCs. Please see:
All $100 million has been awarded to FQHCs. Please see:
CARES Act text: Provided further, That of the amount provided under this heading in this Act, $100,000,000 shall be transferred to Health Resources and Services Administration - Primary Health Care for grants under the Health Centers Program, as defined by section 330 of the Public Health Service Act, to prevent, prepare for, and respond to coronavirus: Provided further, That such amount is designated by the Congress as being for an emergency requirement pursuant to section 251(b)(2)(A) of the Balanced Budget and Emergency Deficit Control Act of 1985. Program Purpose: HRSA-funded health centers may use the awards to address screening and testing needs, acquire medical supplies and boost telehealth capacity in response to the Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) pandemic. “including but not limited to, expanding COVID-19 screening and testing capacity, purchasing supplies such a personal protective equipment (PPE) and providing safety education.”
| [Health and Social Services]
| Supplemental
| Deadline not identified.
| (USDA) Department of Agriculture - Rural Utilities Service
| USDA/RUS - CARES Act: FY20-24 Distance Learning, Telemedicine, &Broadband Program
| $25,000,000
| Funds supporting Distance Learning, Telemedicine, and Broadband Program to prevent, prepare for, and respond to coronavirus, domestically or internationally, for telemedicine and distance learning services in rural areas.
NOFA in files below and at:
CARES Act text: For an additional amount for Distance Learning, Telemedicine, and Broadband Program, $25,000,000, to remain available until expended, to prevent, prepare for, and respond to coronavirus, domestically or internationally, for telemedicine and distance learning services in rural areas, as authorized by 7 U.S.C. 950aaa et seq.: Provided, That such amount is designated by the Congress as being for an emergency requirement pursuant to section 251(b)(2)(A) of the Balanced Budget and Emergency Deficit Control Act of 1985. Program Purpose: To prevent, prepare for, and respond to coronavirus, domestically or internationally, for telemedicine and distance learning services in rural areas, as authorized by 7 U.S.C. 950aaa et seq.
| [Community Planning and Capacity Building]
| Supplemental
| Jul-13-2020 |
No new COVID-19 documents from HQ as of 6/22/20:
Thank you for all your continued efforts in helping the nation before, during and after disasters. As new information becomes available, we will do our best to make this information as accessible as possible.
Resources are also available at
Best regards,