From: Frank Schoenfeld

Sent: Tue Apr 21 08:46:41 2020

To: Dan Huff; Gerald Fisher

Cc: Chris Long

Subject: FW: Non-compliant businesses - Question from Molalla PD

Importance: Normal

Attachments: COVID-19 Initial Closed Business Complaint Letter.docx; COVID-19 Initial Open Business Complaint Letter.docx;



From: Patty Stewart <>

Sent: Tuesday, April 21, 2020 7:56 AM

To: Angie Brandenburg ( <>; Bret Smith ( <>; Craig Roberts ( <>; Dale Jorgensen ( <>; Ernie Roberts ( <>; Frank Schoenfeld <>; James Band <>; John Schmerber ( <>; Luke Strait ( <>; Oddis Rollins <>; Patrick Huskey <>; Peter Mahuna <>; Robert Wurpes ( <>; Ryan Burdick <>; Scott Anderson ( <>; Terry Kruger ( <>

Subject: FW: Non-compliant businesses - Question from Molalla PD

Good morning all,

Please find the attached documents and below information regarding business compliance.

From: Anderson, Scott ***CCSO Lieutenant*** <>

Sent: Tuesday, April 21, 2020 7:46 AM

To: Patty Stewart <>

Subject: FW: Non-compliant businesses - Question from Molalla PD


Can you share this email string and the attachments with the chiefs?

Thank you,

Scott Anderson

Chief of Police – Happy Valley Police


From: Poole, Jamie

Sent: Tuesday, April 21, 2020 7:09 AM

To: O'Shaughnessy, David <>; Anderson, Scott ***CCSO Lieutenant*** <>; O'Neil, Brad <>

Subject: FW: Non-compliant businesses - Question from Molalla PD

Good morning,

Please read Julie’s email below about Environmental Health taking the lead for Clackamas County on following up on non-compliant business complaints. Residents can email complaints to and Public Health will follow up and track to see if there are repeat offenders.

Scott, can you take this to the LE group? I will send this out to the cities today as well.

Thank you,


From: Aalbers, Julie <>

Sent: Monday, April 20, 2020 5:45 PM

To: Poole, Jamie <>

Cc: Zentner, Jamie <>; EH <>

Subject: RE: Non-compliant businesses - Question from Molalla PD

According to County Counsel, it’s a public health law and ours to enforce. We, however, cannot issue a citation and if we were to need to we would need to work with LE or County Codes to do so.

To this point we are referring complaints to the appropriate jurisdiction, for example; Dept of Ag for grocery complaints or to the city for a park violation. For all others the staff call and provide education and technical assistance to the business. Since these are citizen complaints, the EH staff decide whether to send a warning letter or not (see attached) to the business based on their conversation with the business. The letters are put in a PDF when sent to better protect Rich’s signature. Letters are vetted by Counsel. We are tracking every call whether we respond or not so we can identify repeat offenders.

I would like all of the reports of non-compliant businesses sent to EH, cc’d here. This is the only way we’ll find multiple reports about the same business.


Thanks Jamies!


From: Poole, Jamie

Sent: Monday, April 20, 2020 4:06 PM

To: Aalbers, Julie <>

Cc: Zentner, Jamie <>

Subject: FW: Non-compliant businesses - Question from Molalla PD


Dave O’Shaughnessy brought this to my attention today, and I wanted to just run it by you. Is the EH team running non-compliant businesses up to these governing bodies like the DOJ is telling law enforcement to do? Also, for Clackamas County LE do you want them to follow the DOJ process or report to EH?


Thank you,


From: O'Shaughnessy, David <>

Sent: Monday, April 20, 2020 9:26 AM

To: Poole, Jamie <>; Anderson, Scott ***CCSO Lieutenant*** <>; O'Neil, Brad <>; Biz, 4 <>

Cc: EOCPIO <>; EOCPIC <>; EOC, EOCLiaison <>

Subject: RE: Non-compliant businesses - Question from Molalla PD


This was sent out to Patrol today. How timely…

DOJ’s guidance to the state police is to submit information to the governing board which oversees the business rather than criminal citations. I think the letter will help Chief Schoenfeld with exactly what he needs.


From: Poole, Jamie

Sent: Monday, April 20, 2020 9:19 AM

To: O'Shaughnessy, David <>; Anderson, Scott ***CCSO Lieutenant*** <>; O'Neil, Brad <>; Biz, 4 <>

Cc: EOCPIO <>; EOCPIC <>; EOC, EOCLiaison <>

Subject: Non-compliant businesses - Question from Molalla PD

Importance: High

Good morning,


I am following up on what I discussed on this morning’s briefing. Chief Schoenfeld from Molalla PD called me this morning asking if there is further guidance on how to cite businesses failing to comply with the Governor’s order. He is taking the first step of trying to educate, but it sounds like there are some businesses wanting to push back and reopen despite the education. He is wondering what his next step should be, if it should still be contacting OSHA, and/or if that doesn’t work if they should take action.

I’m wondering if there has been further discussion by CCSO and Business and Economic Development on this.

Thank you,

Jamie Poole

Outreach and Technology Coordinator

Pronouns: she/her/hers

Clackamas County Disaster Management | 2200 Kaen Road, Oregon City, OR 97045

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