From: EOC, EOCOperations

Sent: Fri Apr 24 13:03:30 2020

To: Dan Huff; Gerald Fisher

Cc: Brown, Vahid

Subject: Consideration for use of trailer mounted shower at warming center at 209 Kennel Avenue

Importance: Normal


Hi Dan and Gerald,

Joe Marek here – I hope you and your families are well. I’m helping out in our EOC during this emergency. The County has access to a trailer mounted shower operation and we are interested in placing it at the warming center site at 209 Kennel Ave. in Molalla. My understanding is that some shower access for houseless individuals has been suspended during the COVID emergency. Vahid Brown, who helps our houseless vulnerable population has been in contact with Leota Childress about this proposal.

The trailer would be brought to the site once a week for several hours and there would be volunteers operating the shower system and cleaning it after each use.

I want to check with both of you to see if there are any permits needed or issues/concerns that would need to be addressed prior to deployment.

Thank you very much for your consideration of this request.

Please let me know if you have any questions.

Be safe.

Joe Marek

EOC Operations