From: EOC, EOCPlanning
Sent: Wed Mar 18 10:59:10 2020
To: Ann Ober; Bonnie Hirshberger; Brett.Smith; Chris Randall; Dan Huff; Delora Kerber; Eric Hand; Ernie Roberts - Sandy PD; Gerald Fisher; Gladstone - Rick Huffman, GFD; Gregg Ramirez; John Lewis; John Schmerber; Johnson City Recorder; Jorge Tro; Kelly Dilbeck; Lance Calvert; Strait, Luke; Martin Montalvo; Melanie Wagner; Patty Stewart (OCPD admin); Bartol, Steve; Steve Campbell; Steve Hoffeditz; Vance Walker (OCPW); Vince Ballard, Johnson City
Subject: Information request from Clackamas County EOC
Importance: Normal
Please provide your EOC operational status and your City’s staffing and operations status.
Thank you
Eric Bohard
Clackamas County EOC
Planning Section Chief