From: Clack - EMdutyofficer
Sent: Wed Mar 11 15:52:37 2020
To: Aaron Monnig; Adrienne Donner (; Alex Ubiadas Trimet; Alexander, Katherine; 'Alison Goldstein'; Amy Cannata (; Anderson, Scott ***CCSO Lieutenant***; Ann Ober; Ashley B. Carlson - Kaiser; Asst. Chief Mark Havener (TVF&R) (; BC Brian Stewart (; Ben Sorenson; Bill Conway;; Bledsoe, Cheryl; Bradley, Molly; Brandenburg, Angie; Brett.Smith; Brown, Vahid; Bush, Nancy; Campbell, Steve (; Bell, Carl; CCOM - Richard Newton; CCOM - Tighe Vroman; Charlton, Fred - CCFD #1; CCOM - John Ingrao; Chief Rick Huffman (; chris voss; Christopher Markesino, Kaiser Sunnyside Dir of Hosp Operations; Collins, Anthony; Courtney Patterson; Cyndi Newton; Jorgensen, Dale; Dan Huff; Dan Kraus, ESD; Daniel Nibour; Dave Dennis; David Kruse NCSD; David Morris; Debbie Spradley; Delora Kerber (; Deric Weiss; Devore, David;; Donn Bunyard (; Doug Treat; Eckman, Sarah; Edmeier, Jodi; Eric Hand; Eric Macy; Ernie Roberts Sandy-PD; Evangeline Owen - Kaiser Permanente; Wright, Fae; Fire Dist Gladstone Mike Funk; Frank Schoenfeld; Fred Charlton; Gail Hoskins; Gale, Andy; Gary Laurent; Gerald Fisher; Heather Sweeney; Heider, Tim; Hirshberger, Bonnie; Ingersoll, Kirsten; Jacalyn M. Mora - Kaiser; Jackie Sparks; Jannsen, Tim ; Jason Mahle; Jason McKinnon; Jason Rautenkranz, Colton Fire Community Res Ofcr; jay jewess; Jessica R. Almeida - Kaiser; CCOM - Jim Davis; Joe Kofoed; John Lewis; John Schmerber, Police Chief (; john wheeler; Johnson City (; Jonathan Jui; Jorge Tro; Jorgensen, Jeff; josh Santos; Julia Monteith (; Kaitlin Walker - Kaiser Permanete; Kelly Dilbeck (; Kim Anderson, Sunrise Water (; Kimberly Galey; Kler, Bill; Kristin Brown; Lance Calvert; larry didway; Laurie Smallwood; Leah Sundquist; Lindsey Rouse (; Liz Carson-Hall (; Lori Hall, CCC PIO; Lt. Jose Gonzalez; Strait, Luke; Marek, Joe; Mark Ursin; Martin Montalvo ; mary larson; Mason-Joyner, Philip; Mat Dale; Fire Dist Canby Matt English; McGinnity, Beatrice; Melanie Wagner, City of Estacada (; Metro; Mike Myers; Fire Dist Molalla Mike Penunuri; Mike Verkest; Mohamud Daya; Morasko, Michael; Morrison, Jenna; Mult Co EOC Planning; Artmann, Nancy; Nancy McDonald; Nerski, Jackie; Nolan O'Meara, OTSD; Olson, Sherry; Pam Harris; Patty Stewart (OCPD admin); Pelham, Brandi; Pete Kandratieff (; Phelps, Cathy; Phil Moyer; Poole, Jamie; Present, Sarah; Rachel Trotman; Ramirez, Gregg; BCS - Chris Randall; randy Lauer; rbeaudoin; Rhodes, James; Ritu Sahni; Rob Cummings; Rogalin, Ellen; Rollins, Todd; Ryan Burdick - Milwaukie PD Capt.; PH - Present, Sarah; scott johnson; Scott Katrena, Oregon City PW; Sdehart; Seal, Tom; Shane Boyle; Sherrie Forsloff, OHSU Emergency Manager; Silver, Erika; Smith, Jeff (CCSO Capt.); Smith, Michael; Bartol, Steve; Steve Hoffeditz (; steve pegram; Steven.Boughey; MAJCS - Sue Scobert; svachter; Swan, Kim; Swift, Richard; Terry Schmidt; Thomas Sonoff (; Timothy Case; Tina Beeler; Vance Walker (OCPW) (; CCOM - Vince Stafford; Wallace, Kristine; Washington County EOC Planning; Jim Whynot; Wilson, Jay
Subject: FW: NWS Portland Email Briefing - Weekend Snow and Cold
Importance: Normal
Attachments: 2020March11_low_elevation_snow.pdf; All, The weather has decided to add to our issues to monitor J Please take a look at this slide deck from the National Weather Service for possible low level snow and very cold temps this weekend. Low level snow in the Portland area could impact travel so we will continue to monitor this through the weekend and update those as needed. Thank you! Jackie Nerski (on behalf of Nancy Bush) Clackamas County Disaster Management From: Tyler Kranz - NOAA Federal [] Sent: Wednesday, March 11, 2020 3:27 PM To: _NWS WR PQR Emergency Managers <> Subject: NWS Portland Email Briefing - Weekend Snow and Cold Partners, Please see the attached briefing. We are expecting cold temperatures this weekend, with snow possible at low elevations. Contact us if you have any questions. ___________________ Tyler J. Kranz Meteorologist NOAA's National Weather Service WFO Portland, OR Office: 503-261-9246
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