From: Dan Huff

Sent: Fri Mar 27 08:02:01 2020

To: Chaunee Seifried

Cc: Gerald Fisher; Frank Schoenfeld; Alice Cannon

Subject: FW: Just In Case it might help

Importance: Normal

Attachments: PIC Talking Points.pptx; 2020-03-23_Novel Coronavirus Master Talking Points.docx;


From: Schmidt, Gary <>

Sent: Thursday, March 26, 2020 1:45 PM

To: Bennett, Martha <>; Amanda Zeiber - Canby Asst City Manager <>; Ann Ober <>; Brian Cosgrove - Willsonville Manager <>; CIty of Rivergrove <>; Dan Huff <>; Denise Carey - Estacada City Manager <>; Jacque Betz <>; Jason Tuck - Happy Valley Manager <>; Jordan Wheeler <>; Kathy Wagner - City Recorder - Barlow <>; Kay Mordock <>; Kelly Brooks Assistant CM Milwaukie <>; Sherilyn Lombos - Tualatin Manager <>; Tony Konkol - Oregon City City Manager <>; Williams, John <>

Cc: Ingersoll, Kirsten <>; Aalbers, Julie <>; Heider, Tim <>; Bush, Nancy <>

Subject: Re: Just In Case it might help

Attached are talking points we are using at Clackamas County.

Thank you.



From: Bennett, Martha <>

Sent: Thursday, March 26, 2020 9:50 AM

To: Schmidt, Gary; Amanda Zeiber - Canby Asst City Manager; Ann Ober; Brian Cosgrove - Willsonville Manager; CIty of Rivergrove; Dan Huff - Molalla City Manager; Denise Carey - Estacada City Manager; Jacque Betz; Jason Tuck - Happy Valley Manager; Jordan Wheeler; Kathy Wagner - City Recorder - Barlow; Kay Mordock; Kelly Brooks Assistant CM Milwaukie; Sherilyn Lombos - Tualatin Manager; Tony Konkol - Oregon City City Manager; Williams, John

Cc: Ingersoll, Kirsten; Aalbers, Julie; Heider, Tim; Bush, Nancy

Subject: Just In Case it might help

Warning: External email. Be cautious opening attachments and links.



I thought it might be useful to share a little information about what we’re telling our residents. Attached are the talking points that we are using and an FAQ that’s based on the things we are most frequently being asked. We have set up a citizen information line that library staff are answering, and they are tracking the questions they most commonly get.

I’d love to see any material you are using, too.


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