From: Dan Huff

Sent: Fri Mar 13 09:26:51 2020

To: Keith Swigart; Leota Childress; Elizabeth Klein; DeLise Palumbo; Jody Newland; Terry Shankle; Crystal Robles

Cc: Gerald Fisher; Frank Schoenfeld; Alice Cannon; Chaunee Seifried; Diana Hadley; Christie DeSantis; Cindy Chauran; Chris Long; Andy Peters; Michelle Satyna

Subject: CHTC Hearing Postponed

Importance: Normal

Attachments: Social Media --Community Hearing Postponement 03-12-2020.pdf; image001.jpg;


Mayor and Council – The CHTC Hearing has been postponed due to corona virus concerns regarding gatherings of large crowds. The caveat to this is that the Judge is holding CHTC to their offer of ceasing operation for 60-days or until a new hearing date is set. We will be monitoring the site throughout the process.

This brings me to another point. I was inundated yesterday from e-mails from the State and League of Oregon Cities regarding COVID – 19. My staff is taking necessary precautions and we are monitoring State and CDC information at this point. We have a plan in place regarding public safety (police) functions if needed due to employees who may contract the virus. As an example, the City of Stayton has shut down all public operations and only essential personnel are coming to work. I am not of a mind to do that unless required by the Governor through emergency management. And I believe we are all essential personnel. However, we will take precautions and use common sense and try to provide some level of leadership in the wake of seemingly growing hysteria.

One service that we are monitoring is our Library. We most likely will follow suit with the Library District. I would hate to close the Library in the midst of everything else being shut down but we may have to do that at some point. We will keep you informed and take your zinc.

Dan Huff

City Manager

City of Molalla, Oregon





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