From: Hassan Ibrahim

Sent: Mon Nov 10 07:17:31 2014

To: 'Jennifer Cline'

Subject: Stowers, Heintz and Grange Budget

Importance: Normal


Hi Jenn,

Sorry I missed your call last Friday….

In brief, Sandi at the office was doing the billing for this month and brought to my attention that we have exhausted our design budget and incurred an additional $4,377 in extra cost. As you are aware, I have casually expressed the added cost concern on an occasion or two and my thought was to wait and see where we end up at the end of this design phase. We have made several changes to the plans from the original scope of work to suit how you envision the project to be. At this point I am not sure how to cope with this but here are some options… we can bill as Additional Work under the general services agreement as we did with Heintz Waterline Replacement or we can bill it under the construction phase where we have a budget of $26,200, this budget mayn’t be used in full if the City were to do the day to day inspections or we can write it off.

What are your thoughts and thanks for your consideration?



Hassan Ibrahim, P.E.


6655 SW Hampton St, Ste. 210

Portland, OR 97223

Tel: 503-684-3478

Fax: 503-624-8247

Cell: 503-807-2737
