From: Hassan Ibrahim

Sent: Fri Mar 27 06:50:22 2015

To: 'Jennifer Cline'

Cc: 'Dennis Welle'

Subject: RE: Watermain @ Heintz - N. Molalla to Kennel

Importance: Normal


Hi Jenn,

Has the crew determined the source of the leak into the 6” AC?


Hassan Ibrahim, P.E.


6655 SW Hampton St, Ste. 210

Portland, OR 97223

Tel: 503-684-3478

Fax: 503-624-8247

Cell: 503-807-2737


From: Hassan Ibrahim []

Sent: Wednesday, March 25, 2015 6:20 AM

To: 'Jennifer Cline'

Cc: 'Dennis Welle'

Subject: RE: Watermain @ Heintz - N. Molalla to Kennel

I will be there around 8:30 – 9:00 am.


Hassan Ibrahim, P.E.


6655 SW Hampton St, Ste. 210

Portland, OR 97223

Tel: 503-684-3478

Fax: 503-624-8247

Cell: 503-807-2737


From: Jennifer Cline []

Sent: Tuesday, March 24, 2015 4:58 PM

To: Hassan Ibrahim

Cc: Dennis Welle

Subject: Watermain @ Heintz - N. Molalla to Kennel

Hi Hassan,

I want to give you a heads up regarding the abandon 6” AC line between N. Molalla and Kennel Ave. The line has been abandon, however pressure is still building in the line. It is assumed the issue is at the N. Molalla and Heintz intersection and possibly there’s an old valve that will not close completely.

The crew will be on site tomorrow morning to attempt to close the valve and most likely utilizing the vactor truck to pot hole around the valves to see where the issue may be coming from.

If you have some time to come out in the morning, please let me know.


Jennifer Cline, P.E.

City of Molalla

Public Works Director

O: 503.759.0218

F: 503.829.3676

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