From: Hassan Ibrahim

Sent: Mon Jan 19 07:40:55 2015

To: 'Jennifer Cline'

Cc: 'Garrett Edmunds'

Subject: RE: Water Line Review

Importance: Normal


Thanks for sending the waterline comments but I didn’t see the following information on the attached plans:

1. What is the existing waterline size and material on Metzler Ave?

2. What is the existing waterline size and material on 4th St and Hart Ave?

3. What is the existing waterline size and material on 3rd St, Lola Ave and Berkley Ave?



Hassan Ibrahim, P.E.


6655 SW Hampton St, Ste. 210

Portland, OR 97223

Tel: 503-684-3478

Fax: 503-624-8247

Cell: 503-807-2737


From: Jennifer Cline []

Sent: Friday, January 16, 2015 3:45 PM

To: Hassan Ibrahim

Cc: Garrett Edmunds

Subject: Water Line Review

Hi Hassan,

Attached is the water line type verification that you requested. Garrett also included location to add or replace with new Mueller hydrants.

FYI - the City discovered a section of ROW along Hart at the Section St. intersection that was intended to be dedicated to the City but never completed. I will need to begin discussions with the property owner, Wilbur-Ellis Co. to dedicate the 20’ easement to the property.

Jennifer Cline, P.E.

City of Molalla

Public Works Director

O: 503.759.0218

F: 503.829.3676

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