From: Hassan Ibrahim

Sent: Wed Nov 12 12:29:32 2014

To: 'Jennifer Cline'


Subject: RE: Streets and Water SDC project descriptions

Importance: Normal


Hi Jennifer,

In regard to the “Transfer of Trout Creek Water Rights to Molalla River & Installing Trout Creek Flow Monitoring Station” work, the cost is as outlined below:

Trout Creek Water Rights Transfer $2,500

Trout Creek Monitoring Station:

a. Field observation $750

b. Property/Easement/Access $6,000

c. Facilities Design to include $8,250

Stream Measurement System

Data Logger/ Solar Power

Access Path/ Fencing /Security

Total Cost for our services $17,500

Please let us know how to proceed.


Hassan Ibrahim, P.E.


6655 SW Hampton St, Ste. 210

Portland, OR 97223

Tel: 503-684-3478

Fax: 503-624-8247

Cell: 503-807-2737


From: Hassan Ibrahim []

Sent: Wednesday, November 05, 2014 12:43 PM

To: 'Jennifer Cline'

Cc: 'Garrett Edmunds'; 'Heather Penni'

Subject: RE: Streets and Water SDC project descriptions

Hi Jennifer,

Attached please find the engineering proposal for Section Street Reconstruction and the waterline replacement on W 3rd, W 4th & Metzler Ave. Please let us know how to proceed.



Hassan Ibrahim, P.E.


6655 SW Hampton St, Ste. 210

Portland, OR 97223

Tel: 503-684-3478

Fax: 503-624-8247

Cell: 503-807-2737


From: Jennifer Cline []

Sent: Tuesday, October 28, 2014 12:19 PM


Cc: Garrett Edmunds; Heather Penni

Subject: Streets and Water SDC project descriptions

Hi Hassan,

Below are the project descriptions for both Water and Streets SDC Funds. Regarding the Water SDC Funding, what repairs are permitted in conjunction with the Water SDC Funding. Would this include street repairs such as; full design width paving, sidewalks and ADA Ramps?

Please provide a proposal for the design of the Water & Street SDC funding projects. The City will advertise only for the Section Street project.

Water SDC Funding

Metzler Water Line

· Begin replacement at Metzler Ave. and West Main Street to Metzler and 7th.

· Existing water line is 6 inch, consisting of steal, AC, and plastic water lines.

· Replace with 8 inch plastic.

3rd St. Water line

· Begin replacement at Lola Ave. and 3rd to Berkley and 3rd.

· Existing water line is 4 inch steal.

· Replace with 6 inch plastic.

4th St. Water line

· Begin replacement at Metzler Ave. & 4th to Hart & 4th

· Existing water line is 4 inch steal.

· Replace with 6 inch plastic.

Transfer Trout Creek Water Rights to Molalla River & Install Trout Creek Flow Monitoring Station.

Street SDC Funding

Section Street from S. Molalla to Hart

· Full width ACP Level 2 pavement rebuild from Molalla to Hart

· Install sidewalk and ADA ramps upgrades

· PCP pavement design at the intersection of Section and Hart up to 50-ft in every direction.

· Install Storm Collection System, combine with a Storm SDC Funds to extend storm line to a drainage outlet or existing system. Existing storm system is abandoned.

· Advertise RFB


Jennifer Cline, P.E.

City of Molalla

Public Works Director

O: 503.759.0218

F: 503.829.3676

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