From: Hassan Ibrahim
Sent: Thu Feb 26 14:24:49 2015
To: 'Jennifer Cline'
Cc: 'Heather Penni'
Subject: RE: Stowers Road Grange Ave. and Heintz St
Importance: Normal
Hi Jenn,
They have provided a spread sheet for each change order. The problem is I wasn’t informed of those issues up front but please feel free to review what they submitted and let me know if you need anything else from them so we can conclude this.
Hassan Ibrahim, P.E.
6655 SW Hampton St, Ste. 210
Portland, OR 97223
Tel: 503-684-3478
Fax: 503-624-8247
Cell: 503-807-2737
From: Jennifer Cline []
Sent: Thursday, February 26, 2015 2:10 PM
Cc: Heather Penni
Subject: RE: Stowers Road Grange Ave. and Heintz St
Hi Hassan,
It will have to be sometime tomorrow for me. Do you want to meet here at City Hall? I don’t mind paying for underground utility conflicts as long as they itemize the work (i.e. location(station), labor, time and materials)
I don’t agree with lump sum payments without back up information, this does not provide transparency for the City.
Thank you,
Jennifer Cline, P.E.
City of Molalla
Public Works Director
O: 503.759.0218
F: 503.829.3676
From: Hassan Ibrahim []
Sent: Thursday, February 26, 2015 1:06 PM
Cc: 'Curtis Cooksey'
Subject: RE: Stowers Road Grange Ave. and Heintz St
Hi Jenn,
I have seen three change order requests regarding the waterline so far, I think we need to get together with Eagle-Elsner and resolve. The only thing I don’t understand is why we have a three man crew and dump trucks waiting around the whole 8 hour shift, could have anything else on the project be done?
Hassan Ibrahim, P.E.
6655 SW Hampton St, Ste. 210
Portland, OR 97223
Tel: 503-684-3478
Fax: 503-624-8247
Cell: 503-807-2737
From: Curtis Cooksey []
Sent: Thursday, February 26, 2015 12:27 PM
Subject: Stowers Road Grange Ave. and Heintz St
Hi Hassan,
The Pipe Crew hit a 12” storm line that was not on the plans and we could not locate it since it was concrete.
The City supplied us with the pipe, we had to buy 2 concrete to PVC fernco’s.