From: Hassan Ibrahim
Sent: Tue May 05 06:03:36 2015
To: 'Jennifer Cline'; 'Curtis Cooksey'
Cc: 'Dan Huff'; 'Dennis Welle'
Subject: RE: Stowers, Grange & Heintz Punch List
Importance: Normal
I will need as-built drawings reflecting all the field changes so we can prepare the record drawings.
Hassan Ibrahim, P.E.
6655 SW Hampton St, Ste. 210
Portland, OR 97223
Tel: 503-684-3478
Fax: 503-624-8247
Cell: 503-807-2737
From: Jennifer Cline []
Sent: Monday, May 04, 2015 5:45 PM
To: 'Curtis Cooksey'
Cc: Hassan Ibrahim; Dan Huff; Dennis Welle
Subject: Stowers, Grange & Heintz Punch List
Hi Curtis,
Attached is the punch list for the Stowers, Grange & Heintz Street Improvement project. Please let me know if you have any questions regarding the punch list.
Thank you,
Jennifer Cline, P.E.
City of Molalla
Public Works Director
O: 503.759.0218
F: 503.829.3676