From: Jennifer Cline
Sent: Mon Oct 20 17:47:39 2014
Cc: Garrett Edmunds; Dan Huff; Nicolas Lennartz
Subject: RE: Stowers - Grange - Heintz Roadway Improv. Review
Importance: Normal
Attachments: IMG_2870.JPG; IMG_2871.JPG; IMG_2872.JPG; IMG_2874.JPG; IMG_2876.JPG; image001.png; Hi Hassan, Please see my response below in red. Regarding the street trees, I did not see a call out for the locations and grates along the 8 – foot section of sidewalk to replace the existing trees we are removing. Did I miss the note? In addition, Garrett and I made a site visit last week during the heavy rains. I have attached photos to share my concerns. The bowling alley currently has pumps in their parking lot basins that collect the water and pumps it back to the street in two (2) locations. This is causing the flooding issues in the sag on west side of the road at approximately Sta. 8+75. I need to do some research on whether or not this is prohibited or not based on our city code. I’m going to assume that it is, unless treated previously on site through a swale before entering the City system. I also need to research how this was approved, and if there was there an assigned agreement with the city. What I really would like to avoid is creating a situation that floods the bowling alley without giving them proper time to develop a new system plan for treating their water onsite. At this point in time, I do not want to delay the project any further than necessary. Plan to include two (2) new pipe in the sections of sidewalk they currently reside, see photos. If we can get the bowling alley to collect and treat the water onsite prior to entering our system thru an underground connection before construction of the sidewalk, we can delete these connections. Regards, Jenn From: Hassan Ibrahim [] Sent: Monday, October 20, 2014 8:35 AM To: 'Jennifer Cline' Cc: 'Dan Huff'; 'Nicolas Lennartz'; 'Garrett Edmunds' Subject: RE: Stowers - Grange - Heintz Roadway Improv. Review Hi Jenn, Thanks for sending your review comments, most of them are reasonable and straight forward. However, I need a clarification on a few of them: 1. Sheet C9, roughly between sta 7+25 and sta 9+10 “widen sidewalk to 6 ft”, this is an existing 5 ft wide section, do you want to remove and replace with 6 ft wide section? Yes, please widen to 6-ft sidewalks. 2. Sheet C9, “did PGE agree to move guy wire”, we will send the plans to PGE, note 4 states the contractor to coordinate all efforts with the applicable agency, I will add the word “relocation” after the word “adjustments” . 3. Sheet C14, Stowers Rd-Typical Section, The cross slope over 2% is normal on local streets, we are matching the centerline and top of curb grades. 4. Sheet C14, Grange Ave and Heintz St-Typical Sections, the cross slope will be between 2-5% max, we will note that with 6” curb exposure. 5. Sheet C15, just curious why the driveway has to be 4,000 psi, ODOT requires 3,000 psi commercial mix with welded wire fabric or mesh wire reinforcements and the thickness is 6”. I am okay with the 3,000 psi if the welded wire fabric or mesh wire is to be specified. 6. Sheet C17, 1 ½” service tubing, I have no preference if you prefer to use “cross linked PEX tubing as opposed to copper? To be consistent with Garrett’s request, I would be consistent with the PEX tubing Please let us know your thoughts. -------------------- Hassan Ibrahim, P.E. CURRAN-McLEOD, INC. 6655 SW Hampton St, Ste. 210 Portland, OR 97223 Tel: 503-684-3478 Fax: 503-624-8247 Cell: 503-807-2737 email: From: Jennifer Cline [] Sent: Friday, October 17, 2014 9:40 AM Cc: Dan Huff; Nicolas Lennartz; Garrett Edmunds Subject: Stowers - Grange - Heintz Roadway Improv. Review Hi Hassan, Here are my initial comments. I still need to do some field verification next week on a few ramps and Sheets C5 – C6. I also just noticed the Sheet Index is labeled C5 instead of C6. Please let me know if you have any questions, I will be back in the office on Monday, 10/20. Have a great weekend, Jennifer Cline, P.E. City of Molalla Public Works Director O: 503.829.6855 Ext. #218 F: 503.829.3676