From: Jennifer Cline

Sent: Thu Jun 04 11:44:37 2015

To: Buehler, John A.

Cc: Hash, Kenneth F.; White, Maureen P.; Dan Zinder

Subject: RE: Molalla Urban Renewal Project - W Heintz Street - Addendum #4

Importance: Normal



I think we want to specify Calendar days instead of working days based on section 00180.50 of the WSDOT specs. Also, we need to identify that weekends and holidays are not considered calendar days without approval of the City. The exclusions below don’t identify weekends or holidays.

00180.50 Contract Time to Complete Work:

(a) General - The time allowed to complete the Work or Pay Item is stipulated in the Solicitation

Documents, and will be known as the "Contract Time". (see 00110.20)

(b) Kinds of Contract Time - The Contract Time will be expressed in one or more of the

following ways:

(1) Fixed Date Calculation - The calendar date on which the Work or Pay Item shall be

completed; or

(2) Calendar Day Calculation - The number of Calendar Days from a specified beginning

point in which the Work or Pay Item shall be completed.

(c) Beginning of Contract Time - When the Contract Time is stated in Calendar Days, counting

of Contract Calendar Days will begin with the fifteenth Calendar Day following the date of the

Notice to Proceed.

(d) Recording Contract Time - All Contract Time will be recorded and charged to the nearest

one-half Day.

On Contracts with Calendar Day counts, the Engineer will furnish the Contractor a weekly

statement of Contract Time charges. The statement will show the number of Calendar Days

counted for the preceding week and the number of Calendar Days remaining prior to the

established completion date for that Pay Item.

For Contracts with fixed completion dates for Pay Items, the Engineer will furnish the Contractor a

weekly statement of Contract Time charges only after expiration of the Contract Time. The

statement will show the number of Calendar Days of liquidated damages that have been

assessed, if any.

These statements will include any exclusions from, or adjustments to, Contract Time.

(e) Exclusions from Contract Time - Regardless of the way Contract Time is expressed in the

Contract, certain Calendar Days will not be charged against Contract Time. These exclusions will

be allowed when the Contractor is prevented from performing Work due to one of the following

reasons, resulting in delay:

• Acts of God or Nature;

• Court orders enjoining prosecution of the Work;

• Strikes, labor disputes or freight embargoes that, despite the Contractor's reasonable efforts

to avoid them, cause a shutdown of the entire Project or one or more major operations.

"Strike" and "labor dispute" may include union action against the Contractor, a

Subcontractor, a Materials supplier, or the Agency; or

• Suspension of the Work by written order of the Engineer for reasons other than the

Contractor's failure or neglect.

(f) Time Calculation Protest - In the event the Contractor disputes the accuracy of the

statement of Contract Time charges, it shall immediately contact the Engineer and attempt to

resolve the dispute. If the dispute cannot be resolved informally, the Contractor shall submit a

formal written protest to the Engineer within 7 Calendar Days of the date the Engineer mailed or

delivered the statement. Failure to submit a formal written protest within the 7 Calendar Day

period constitutes the Contractor's approval of the time charges, or adjusted time charges,

itemized in the statement.

Jennifer Cline, P.E.

City of Molalla

Public Works Director

O: 503.759.0218

F: 503.829.3676

image "file:///C:

From: Buehler, John A. []

Sent: Thursday, June 04, 2015 9:50 AM

To: Jennifer Cline

Cc: Hash, Kenneth F.; White, Maureen P.; Dan Zinder

Subject: Molalla Urban Renewal Project - W Heintz Street - Addendum #4

Good Morning Jenn,

Attached is Addendum #4 for your review. Please also find a list of questions that we have received yesterday on the contract plans, with responses.

If you have any questions, please let us know.

Thank you,

John A. Buehler, E.I.T. | Engineer II


Engineers | Landscape Architects | Planners | Surveyors

314 W. 15th Street, Vancouver, WA 98660-2927

Phone: 360/695-3488 ext. 2107, Fax: 360/695-8767

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