From: Jennifer Cline

Sent: Fri Jul 10 16:59:20 2015

To: Hash, Kenneth F.

Cc: Dan Zinder; Buehler, John A.

Subject: FW: Heintz Street Problems

Importance: High


See my comments below please.

Jennifer Cline, P.E.

City of Molalla

Public Works Director

O: 503.759.0218

F: 503.829.3676

image "file:///C:

From: Nick Jones []

Sent: Friday, July 10, 2015 3:43 PM

To: Hash, Kenneth F.

Cc:; Cless Woodward; Mat Warrington

Subject: Heintz Street Problems

Importance: High


Thanks for speaking with us regarding the Heintz Street Project. Westech was onsite earlier today to perform a pre-construction walk thru and noticed some problems. I have listed them below.

1. There are two water services that were located heading south in Area A, also there is a fire service that runs to the Avison property. We need to know if these lines are active and how to shut them down. The contractor can work with the crew to shut off the line ahead of removal. We will need a the contractor to cap the Steel line on Avison’s property since it is a private line. I will need to ask find out if we know what size the steel line is.

2. PGE has not started their work yet. We need to get them working as soon as possible. Is there a way to light a fire under them? I signed their permit to do the work yesterday, I’m not sure if Nicholas passed it along. I will send an email just in case.

3. There is a fiber line that was located through the center of Heintz Street. Per conversations at the pre-construction meeting, this line had been abandoned. I didn’t think it was possible to locate empty conduits so it seems that the wires might still be in there? We will double check with Molalla Communications.

4. We spoke with Bill Avison, he informed us that there is no agreement between him and the City, so we are not allowed to proceed with any work to his fence. See Dan’s email. I will try to massage this through, but Dan has a point.

Can you please help us with these problems? We would like to set up a utility meeting if necessary. Please let us know if there is anything we can do to help.

Thank you,

Nick Jones

Project Manager

Westech Construction, Inc.

Office: 503-777-7000

Cell: 503-969-1447

Fax: 503-774-3191