From: Jennifer Cline

Sent: Wed May 27 14:41:15 2015

To: Hash, Kenneth F.


Subject: FW: Application: 1200 C Permit W Heintz Street

Importance: Normal


Hi Ken,

See my comments below.

Jennifer Cline, P.E.

City of Molalla

Public Works Director

O: 503.759.0218

F: 503.829.3676

image "file:///C:

From: GARNER Ian []

Sent: Wednesday, May 27, 2015 1:59 PM

To: ''; ''

Subject: Application: 1200 C Permit W Heintz Street

We have received your application for coverage under the 1200 C permit for the W Heintz Street project. There are a few items requiring clarification before we may move forward with processing your application:

1. Please clarify the total site size and total disturbed area in acres. The application lists a total site size of 2.03 acres and a total disturbed area of 2.45 acres. The total disturbed area cannot be greater than the total site size.

2. On question 9 of the application we need to know the name of the receiving stream for the system that stormwater runoff during construction may flow towards. The water currently flows in to an drainage ditch that is a unnamed tributary to Creamery Creek.

3. Please provide the name of an erosion and sediment control inspector in box 4 of the application. Does this person need to be certified?

Once these clarifications have been provided we may move forward with processing your application. You may respond to these questions to me via email, you need not submit a whole new application. This would be the quickest way to move your application through the process.

Thank you,

Ian Garner

Oregon Dept. of Environmental Quality

Northwest Region, Water Quality

700 NE Multnomah St Suite 600

Portland, OR 97232

p: 503.229.5438