From: Jennifer Cline

Sent: Fri May 01 12:16:17 2015

To: Bill Ferris

Cc: Dan Huff; 'Sadie Cramer'; Ashley Petty (; Bill Avison; Fred Countryman; Jason Griswold; Jim Taylor; Jimmy Thompson; Lynda Countryman; Mike Bezner; Thomas Eskidge (

Subject: Street Updates

Importance: Normal


Hi Bill –

Thank you for calling and reminding me. It has been a very hectic week.

Here are list of talking points for your meeting on Saturday regarding Street Improvement projects in Molalla.

· Grange Ave, Heintz St and Stowers Rd. Street Improvement project reached substantial completion 4/30. There will be minor punch list items completed in the remaining days to come, which includes striping, trees and clean up.

· Urban Renewal Project - Heintz Street extension (between Kennal Ave and Riddings Ave.) is currently at 90% design completion. The project is expected to go out for bid early June and begin construction after the 4th of July.

· Urban Renewal Project – Molalla Avenue from 5th St to Shirley St. design has begun. This project will include street improvements along with city scape improvements in the downtown commercial area including sidewalks, street trees and lighting.

· Lola Ave Street Improvement – Phase 1 was awarded a $180,000.00 CDBG (community development block grant) from Clackamas county to improve Lola Ave from 3rd St. to 5th St. The county will be managing the design and construction of the project. The design has not begun as of yet.

· ARTs Systemic and Hotspot applications have been submitted to ODOT for safety improvements at OR 213/Toiver Rd. and OR 211/Ona Way intersections. These locations have been identified by Region 1 ODOT and Kittleson as high crash location. The focus of the program is to reduce fatal and serious injury accidents statewide. Here’s a PowerPoint presentation.

· 2016-2018 STIP will fund the design and construction for the OR 211 Bicycle and pedestrian Safety Enhancement project. This project is planned to Design, acquire right-of-way, and construct 6-foot sidewalks on the north side of OR-211, install drainage improvements and replace an existing structure at Bear Creek. The project begins just west of Industrial Way and extends to the east of Ona Way stopping just short of the church.

Let me know if you have any questions from the group.

Jennifer Cline, P.E.

City of Molalla

Public Works Director

O: 503.759.0218

F: 503.829.3676

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