From: Jennifer Cline
Sent: Fri May 01 09:15:30 2015
To: 'Christine Hein'
Cc: Phillip Bender; Mark Strandberg; Dan Huff; 'J.W. Ring'
Subject: RWUP Hearing 4/30
Importance: Normal
Hi Christine,
Real quick, the meeting last night was fairly mild. However, SH became somewhat directive with her comments at one point towards me “the city” when addressing a false statement that the City irrigates without considering the soil types and moisture. I spoke up and stated that the City does monitor the moisture with moisture blocks as set by the RWUP. She started making accusations that the city does not and allowed run-off and ponding to Creamery Creek. I did state that the city was not aware of the incidents, which we were not at that time. She became more aggressive and then stated to her that this has already been addressed by DEQ and turned it over to Tiffany. At that point she began directing her attacks towards Tiffany. Tiffany did well at addressing her ranting and shut her down shortly after. This conversation was not during the recorded sessions. Her arguments regarding the moisture blocks is apples n oranges. The ponding was due to rain fall on at least one of her reports, which we were not irrigating. The other account that we found out after the fact is the hand line were left on. Neither of these have to do with the moisture blocks that are read when the hand lines are set up.
During the recorded session Susan states a few times that City needs to address their Biosolids and eludes that the City is not taking care of their Biosolids. This is obviously a lie and is recorded in the hearing. I believe the hearing will be available on the DEQ website or you can contact Tiffany for a copy. I stated that I had no comments from the city at this time.
Let me know if you have any other questions.
Jennifer Cline, P.E.
City of Molalla
Public Works Director
O: 503.759.0218
F: 503.829.3676