From: Jennifer Cline

Sent: Tue Jul 14 12:25:24 2015

To: Jim Pex

Cc: Hash, Kenneth F.; Chris Link; Randall Stark; Dan Huff

Subject: RE: Zoning & Sidewalks *URGENT*

Importance: Normal


Hi Jim,

Looks like that day works for my schedule and Dan’s is open as well. Any time after 2 pm would be best. Can you please schedule an invite?

Jennifer Cline, P.E.

City of Molalla

Public Works Director

O: 503.759.0218

F: 503.829.3676

image "file:///C:

From: Jim Pex []

Sent: Tuesday, July 14, 2015 9:27 AM

To: Jennifer Cline

Cc: Hash, Kenneth F.; Chris Link; Randall Stark; Dan Huff

Subject: RE: Zoning & Sidewalks *URGENT*

I’m available to meet Tuesday afternoon and Chris can phone in would be the earliest.

Jim Pex, P.E. | Civil Engineer

T: 541.741.2975 Cell: 541-972-0851|

175 West B Street, Bldg. K-2 | Springfield, Oregon 97477-4575 |

Murray, Smith & Associates, Inc. | Your Public Works Partner

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From: Jennifer Cline []

Sent: Tuesday, July 14, 2015 9:17 AM

To: Jim Pex

Cc: Hash, Kenneth F.; Chris Link; Randall Stark; Dan Huff

Subject: RE: Zoning & Sidewalks *URGENT*

Hi Jim,

I would also like to schedule a meeting early next week to talk about project limit in regards to available funding. It is looking like we will have approximately $2.0M to spend on construction of Molalla Ave. The project limits, including commercial zone improvements, would be best discussed in a meeting with all parties present.

What availability do you have in your schedule next week?


Jennifer Cline, P.E.

City of Molalla

Public Works Director

O: 503.759.0218

F: 503.829.3676

From: Jim Pex []

Sent: Tuesday, July 14, 2015 9:03 AM

To: Jennifer Cline

Cc: Hash, Kenneth F.; Chris Link; Randall Stark

Subject: Zoning & Sidewalks *URGENT*

Importance: High

Hi Jennifer, we know you’re busy but we somewhat need an answer on this pretty fast to move forward on setting grades and such.

The zoning map that was presented to us last week has a commercial zone starting on the north side of 3rd Street and continuing the rest of the project to Shirley. Therefore, based on our discussion that entire region would have a 10-foot sidewalk.

I’m pretty sure this isn’t what you envisioned after our meeting and especially with saving costs. So we simply need to follow the boundary described earlier in the design criteria or a firm boundary location from you to run with. Thanks in advance, hope things are slowing down for you just a little.

Jim Pex, P.E. | Civil Engineer

T: 541.741.2975 Cell: 541-972-0851|

175 West B Street, Bldg. K-2 | Springfield, Oregon 97477-4575 |

Murray, Smith & Associates, Inc. | Your Public Works Partner

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