From: Jennifer Cline
Sent: Wed Jul 29 18:02:59 2015
To: Peggy Johnson
Subject: RE: Water and Sewer base for The Clothes Basket
Importance: Normal
Disregard my last question. If I read your entire email I would have figured it out!!
Do you think we should revisit all commercial properties water consumption unit rates? Or is this done annually?
Jennifer Cline, P.E.
City of Molalla
Public Works Director
O: 503.759.0218
F: 503.829.3676
From: Peggy Johnson []
Sent: Tuesday, July 28, 2015 10:54 AM
To: Jennifer Cline <>
Subject: Water and Sewer base for The Clothes Basket
The water and sewer base rates were charged at 17 units and a 3” meter.
When the meter is changed to 1-1/2” the water base will go from $129.25 to $37.11 per month
The EDU is based on winter water consumption divided by a calculation of 673 per cu.ft. Based on this calculation, this business should be charged at 7 units. The sewer base will go from $419.73 to $172.83.
The customer needs to be aware that when the business is opened and water consumption increases there is a chance that the sewer base will increase as well.
The sewer base change will be made immediately, the water base change will be made when the 1-1/2” meter is installed.
Peggy Johnson
Human Resource Coordinator
City of Molalla
PO Box 248
Molalla, OR 97038
503-829-6855 x221