From: Jennifer Cline
Sent: Wed Jun 17 14:01:29 2015
To: Sadie Cramer
Cc: Rod Lucich
Subject: RE: Voice message from BRASHERS PORTLA (5034890507) to 5037590291
Importance: Normal
I spoke to John he will be giving them a call regarding the contract prices.
Jennifer Cline, P.E.
City of Molalla
Public Works Director
O: 503.759.0218
F: 503.829.3676
From: Sadie Cramer []
Sent: Wednesday, June 17, 2015 1:51 PM
To: Jennifer Cline
Subject: RE: Voice message from BRASHERS PORTLA (5034890507) to 5037590291
Thanks for the update. I know you were looking for the titles on Monday, I figured you had more info then I did. Thanks!
From: Jennifer Cline []
Sent: Wednesday, June 17, 2015 12:47 PM
To: Sadie Cramer
Cc: Dan Huff; Rod Lucich
Subject: RE: Voice message from BRASHERS PORTLA (5034890507) to 5037590291
Hi Sadie,
This call was in regards to the police vehicles that were just picked up, not public works.
She will need to talk to the chief on Monday or give John a call
Jennifer Cline, P.E.
City of Molalla
Public Works Director
O: 503.759.0218
F: 503.829.3676
From: Sadie Cramer []
Sent: Wednesday, June 17, 2015 10:02 AM
To: Jennifer Cline
Cc: Dan Huff
Subject: FW: Voice message from BRASHERS PORTLA (5034890507) to 5037590291
I know you were dealing with the surplus items for PW and PD. I don’t have any additional info for her so this one’s over to you.
From: tel: 5034890507 []
Sent: Wednesday, June 17, 2015 9:09 AM
To: Sadie Cramer
Subject: Fwd: Voice message from BRASHERS PORTLA (5034890507) to 5037590291
The attached message was recently left in your voicemail account for 5037590291. We are sending you this email because you have asked for your messages to be forwarded to this address.
The original message is still in your account.