From: Jennifer Cline
Sent: Fri Apr 03 15:44:29 2015
To: James Bobst
Cc: Jerrit Jolma; Nicolas Lennartz; Dennis Welle;; Mike Penunuri
Importance: Normal
Attachments: Standards_ThrustBlocks.pdf; General-G2.pdf; General-G1.pdf; Details-D1.pdf; Water-C1.pdf; RE: Received approval from OHA; Hi James, The plans are acceptable for approval. Please contact Dennis Welle 503-793-4238 or Adam Schultz 503-793-8402 for inspection of waterline prior to backfill. Disinfections reports must be submitted to the City prior to activating the line. NO CONSTRUCTION/EXCAVATION WILL BE ALLOWED IN THE CITY RIGHT-OF-WAY WITHOUT A PERMIT INLCUDING AN APPROVED TRAFFIC CONTROL PLAN. This permit can be submitted to Nicolas 503-829-0219, while I am out of the office. Have a good weekend. Jennifer Cline, P.E. City of Molalla Public Works Director O: 503.759.0218 F: 503.829.3676 From: James Bobst [] Sent: Friday, April 03, 2015 2:09 PM To: Jennifer Cline Cc: Subject: URGENT: Molalla Revisions COMPLETE AND AWAITING YOUR APPROVAL - THANK YOU! Jennifer: Jerrit has made the noted corrections below which I believe addresses the remaining items you covered in your email earlier today. Is there a chance you could take a quick review and approve these changes so that I can proceed with the project. I’d hate to have to wait until your return next week so anything you could do would be greatly appreciated. Have a happy long Easter weekend. James Bobst Personnel / Safety Director Pacific Fibre Products, Inc. PO Box 278 / 20 FibreWay Longview, WA 98632 O) 360-577-7112; C) 360-430-0749; F) 360-577-1362 NOTICE: This communication including any attachments may contain privileged or confidential information. If you are not the intended recipient, or believe that you received this communication in error, please advise the sender immediately and delete or destroy the communication you received without copying or disclosing the contents. Thank you. From: Jerrit Jolma [] Sent: Friday, April 03, 2015 1:54 PM To: James Bobst ( Subject: Molalla Revisions Hi James, Per Jennifer’s comments I have made following changes to the plans. 1. Removed the note regarding thrust blocks on Sheet D1 and replaced it with a note requiring mechanical restraint per City of Molalla Standard 2.50 – Thrust Restraint. The thrust block callouts were also removed from Drawing C1. I did leave the thrust block detail on the drawings just in case it becomes necessary during construction. 2. I added a note on Sheet D1 requiring a 4-inch Storz adapter be provided on each hydrant. 3. I added a note on Sheet D1 requiring that any materials that come into contact with water must be disinfected per AWWA C651. Attached are updated drawings. I’ve also attached the City’s thrust restraint requirements 2.05 – Thrust Restraint. If you have any questions, please let me know. Thank you, -- Jerrit Jolma, PE Gibbs & Olson 360-425-0991 w 360-261-0245 c