From: Jennifer Cline

Sent: Wed Jun 03 10:43:30 2015

To: Peggy Johnson; Dan Zinder

Cc: Sadie Cramer

Subject: RE: statewide Drinking Water system boundary mapping project

Importance: Normal


Hi Dan,

Typically a records request should be generated for providing them the data. This can be done by contacting the Sadie Cramer, our City Recorder.

This generates a task order and helps track any costs that the City might incur due to the request. I would send them the records request form to complete while we are working on generating their request. If they need hard copies or additional staff time is needed to fill the request, that of course will be a charge. No charge for the KMZ file or other info we readily have available.


Jennifer Cline, P.E.

City of Molalla

Public Works Director

O: 503.759.0218

F: 503.829.3676

image "file:///C:

From: Peggy Johnson []

Sent: Wednesday, June 03, 2015 10:23 AM

To: Dan Zinder

Cc: Jennifer Cline

Subject: RE: statewide Drinking Water system boundary mapping project

Yes we are Dan, what information do you need on the report? I don’t have the link that they provided.


From: Dan Zinder []

Sent: Wednesday, June 03, 2015 10:18 AM

To: Peggy Johnson

Subject: FW: statewide Drinking Water system boundary mapping project

Hi Peggy,

Got this request via the State. Are we able to extract a complete list of addresses and/or taxlots for properties receiving water services from the City from our Utility Billing database?


Dan Zinder


503.586.8094 (c)

From: Jeff Mccrum []

Sent: Wednesday, June 03, 2015 9:09 AM

To: Dan Zinder

Cc: Jennifer Cline

Subject: Fwd: statewide Drinking Water system boundary mapping project


From: "Bancroft June E" <>

To: "Bancroft June E" <>

Sent: Tuesday, June 2, 2015 3:42:37 PM

Subject: statewide Drinking Water system boundary mapping project

Dear Water Utility Provider

The Oregon Health Authority, Acute and Communicable Disease Prevention (ACDP) section received funding to increase our capacity for waterborne illness detection, response, and prevention. One of the goals of this funding is creation of a statewide water system distribution map layer for use with geographic information system (GIS) analysis. To accomplish this, we are requesting data on the boundary of your water service area. These data will inform public health when there are reports of increased illness, concerns about water system contamination, and any type of emergency planning – floods, earthquakes, or other natural disasters.

Please see attached document outlining the data that we are collecting with additional information we are gathering. I am using the email provided to the state drinking water program. If there is a different person whom I should be contacting please forward this onto them.

If you have questions feel free to email or give me a call.

Thank you in advance for your participation.

Kind regards


June E Bancroft, MPH


Acute and Communicable Disease Prevention

Oregon Health Authority

Phone 971-673-1045

Fax 971-673-1100