From: Jennifer Cline

Sent: Tue Nov 25 11:51:58 2014

To: Sadie Cramer

Cc: Dan Huff; Heather Penni

Subject: RE: Staff Reminders and Out of Office

Importance: Normal


See my added Agenda items to the Dec. 17th Special Council Meeting

Jennifer Cline, P.E.

City of Molalla

Public Works Director

O: 503.759.0218

F: 503.829.3676

From: Sadie Cramer []

Sent: Tuesday, November 25, 2014 9:20 AM

To: Dan Huff; 'Heather Penni'; 'Rod Lucich'; 'Diana Hadley'; 'Jennifer Cline'

Subject: Staff Reminders and Out of Office


Just a few reminders while I am gone to keep in mind. I will be out of the office from 11/25 at noon and returning on 12/08 at noon.

Santa’s Chair

· Jen Cline – The chair I believe is in the outside storage area. Connie Farrens from Pepco designs will be picking it up for the tree lighting. If it’s not out there, I would ask Darren.

Town Hall Meeting 12/10/14

· I will have the flyer created and post to the website before I leave and will give the paper public notice as well.

· Slide Show:

o PD Photos of incidences.

o PW Photos of incidences.

o Who is going to put the slide show together (Dan?)

o The projector was with Nicolas and the portable screen is in the closet in the conference room.

· Items still pending or need follow-up:

o Dan - Setup format: Rory will need to know how to set up for that evening. If you want to think it over and discuss it when I get back that works too.

o Dan - Invitations: Follow-up with Ken Wakefield and Dale Satrum.

§ Any County Reps?

§ Debbie Rogge’s Guest. (She was inviting someone specific)

Special Council Meeting 12/17/14

· I will need your agenda items for this meeting on December 10th. As of today we have the following agenda items:

o Council Minutes

o Library Minutes

o Library Carpet Item

o Brown & Caldwell Project Scope and Budget Approval

o Award Approval for Stowers, Grange & Heintz Roadway Improvement Project

o Approval for SDC Waterline Replacement and Section St Improvements Design Work

o Skate Park Discussion

o Measure 91 Discussion and Ordinance examples

· I will have Russ on the schedule for video taping

· So we need a URA meeting as well for anything ( Dan and Heather)

If a Community Meeting Needs Noticed or a Special Meeting needs to be held

· Contact and the Friday before your schedule meeting for public notice and post to the website. I’m sure you all have been doing this so keep up the good work.

