From: Jennifer Cline
Sent: Wed Feb 11 11:17:04 2015
To: Rod Lucich
Subject: RE: Situational Awareness
Importance: Normal
Wrong Jennifer?
Jennifer Cline, P.E.
City of Molalla
Public Works Director
O: 503.759.0218
F: 503.829.3676
From: Rod Lucich []
Sent: Wednesday, February 11, 2015 8:01 AM
To: Aaron Christopherson; Anthony Lapointe; Bobby Call; Catherine Kerrigan; Chris Long; Curtis Thorman; Eric Petersen; Jennifer Scott; Karly McKone; Michael Holmes; Rebecca Corwin; Rod Lucich; Ronda Stone; Steve Long; Bryce Hingson; Don Grover; Garrett Edmunds; Jesse Rowe
Subject: FW: Situational Awareness
ATM rip-offs and others
Chief Rod Lucich
P.O. Box 248, 117 N. Molalla Ave.
Molalla, OR 97038
503 829 8817 X 238
Fax 503 829 3461
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From: Greenlee Dianne []
Sent: Tuesday, February 10, 2015 3:14 PM
To: Adams, Tom; Addleman, Tim; Alexander, Mark; Allison, Kristine; Andall, Michael; Anderson, Scott; Andrews, Dixon; Band, Jim; Banta, Vernon; Barker, Kent; Blue, Janice; Boedigheimer, Doug; Bosque, Dennis; Bowker, Derek; Bowman, Jeffrey; Broussard, Ronald; Brown, Daniel; Brown, Don; Burford, Robert; Burge, Jim; Casey, Brian; Chase, Mark; Combs, Marvin; Conner, Michael; Curzon, Peter; Doney, Tim; Dryden, David; Dye, Mark; Edmiston, Jason; Elwer, Ken; Enyeart, David; Fessler, Charles; George, Tim; Gomez, Louis; Graven, Greg; Gray, Richard - John Day; Griffith, Greg; Groth, Jeff; Grover, Michael; Gubser, William; Gugel, Scott; Gutierrez, Ray; Ham, Dave; Hanson, Chris; Harvey, Brian; Healy, Mike; Henner, Joe; Holderness, Terry; Holste, Neal; Hoover, Marvin; Humphreys, Chris; Hunter, James; Darla Huxel; Johnson, Don; Johnson, Kenneth; Junginger, Craig; Kamp, Jeffrey; Kelley, Denney; Kilgore, Wesley; Kilian, Keith; Klahn, Phillip; Kneaper, Brad; LaFevre, Scott; Larson, Larry; Lewis, Ken; Lohner, Wyn; Louie, Ron; Lucich, Rod; Mario Lattanzio; Martinez, Kevin; McCullough, Gary; McGlothlin, Michael; Miller, Norm; Mills, Marc; Miranda, Mark; Moore, Gerald; Moran, Mike; Morrison, Tom; Moss, Gene WCSO/Cornelius PD; Moss, Terry; Mundlin, Brice; Orr, Alan; Porter, Jim; Pryde, James; Rakosi, Rock; Rau, Raymond; Reese, Mike; Richman, Darren; Stuart Roberts; Russell, Scott; Sanfilippo, Kirk; Sassaman, Jon; Scales, Matt; Schermerhorn, Jason; Schutz, Janie; Scibelli, Steve; Sebens, Rich; Simpson, Tom; Smith, Bret; Smith, Carmen; Snyder, Bill; Spalding, Geoff; Spirup, Peter; Stevenson, Frank; Stewart, Charles; Stiles, Les; Stokoe, Richard; Tallan, Darrell; Tarbet, Dave; Taylor, Don; Teague, John; Thompson, Vern; Timeus, Terry; Towe, David; Wallace, Chris; Waterbury, Jay; Webb, Bob; Wells, Vernon; Wisehart, Duane; Workman, Mathew; Wortman, Ed; Wright, Terrance; Yamashita, Kim; Adkins, Jim; Bergin, Tom; Bettencourt, Gary; Bishop, John; Clark, Trisch - Assistant to Sheriff Blanton; Crabtree, Jack; Dickerson, Jeff; Dotson, Dennis; Rick Eisland; English, Matt; Garrett, Pat; Gilbertson, Gil; Glerup, David; Hanlin, John; Hensley, Jim; Jackson, Scott; Lohrey, Brad; Long, Andy; Denton Verlin A; McDonald, Phillip; Myers, Jason; Palmer, Glenn; Rasmussen, Boyd; Riley, Bruce; Roberts, Craig; Rogers, Steve; Rowan, Terry; Skrah, Frank; Troy Hale; Staton, Daniel; Turner, Thomas; Winters, Mike; Robert Wolfe; Wolfe, Brian; Zanni, Craig
Cc: Cogburn Chuck (; McIntosh Steven
Subject: Situational Awareness
1. Cancellation notice from Washington County.
2. FBI agencies in St. Louis, Indianapolis, Chicago and San Francisco combined resources and arrested 5 individuals from Missouri, Indiana, Illinois and California on charges of conspiracy to provide material support to terrorists and providing material support to terrorists.
3. Beaverton PD is attempting to ID suspects who attempted to cut into an ATM at a bank in Beaverton, Oregon.
4. IED virtual training for first responders
DISCLAIMER: This intelligence information is being passed through as a courtesy to the originating agency. The Oregon TITAN Fusion Center (OTFC) had no part in developing this information and has not verified the contents to be factual. If you have any questions about this information, please contact the originating agency. Please ensure the security designation on this document is adhered to. Do not advise individuals contained therein of this alert. Persons or organizations violating distribution restrictions will be prohibited from receiving future documents and will be removed from distribution lists. NO REPORT OR SEGMENT THEREOF MAY BE RELEASED TO ANY MEDIA SOURCES.
Dianne Greenlee
Criminal Intelligence Analyst
Oregon TITAN Fusion Cntr
Criminal Division/OR DOJ
Desk phone: 503-934-2033
Fax: 503-585-3198 – encrypted
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