From: Jennifer Cline
Sent: Tue Jul 28 15:55:14 2015
To: Gerald Fisher
Subject: RE: SCD Charts
Importance: Normal
Attachments: image001.png; Hi Gerald, Thanks for the info. Definitely something to look into in regards to future updates. I’m assuming like yourself the Misc Upsizing was intended annual. However, I don’t think that was caught by my predecessor. Thanks again, Jennifer Cline, P.E. City of Molalla Public Works Director O: 503.759.0218 F: 503.829.3676 From: Gerald Fisher [] Sent: Tuesday, July 28, 2015 2:09 PM To: Jennifer Cline <> Subject: RE: SCD Charts Hi Jennifer, OK. So the set dollar amount is one way to go for reimbursement but the question is what do you do if the costs are less for the developer or more. Either you’re paying too much or not enough. You won’t hear about it until it is not enough. I’m used to calculating it along the way based on the contractor bid and verification of payments, but you can’t do that without changing the methodology. That table has locked you in for better or for worse until you change it. At least you don’t have to spend much time calculating which is why your predecessors probably chose to do it that way. Project #13 in the table appears to be a one-time miscellaneous cost for improvements. The question is, has that project already been used up? Can’t use it twice or more unless the project is yearly and it doesn’t say that. If it hasn’t been used then you can use it on a project of your choosing but once the $150K is gone then it’s done. I looked at the master plan projects. Note that 8.G is listed as 8th Street in the master plan and 7th Street in the SDC methodology. The planning and general improvements section was not listed in the CIP table. There is discussion regarding yearly upsizing of the system to meet current requirements and the master plan estimated the cost at about $81,792 per year. Inflating that to current values is somewhere around $125K per year. However, the SDC methodology does not say $150K per year of eligible costs so I think it is a one-time allocation. To be on the safe side, I would recommend you only using it once and as projects come onto the radar that you update the CIP with your best estimate of costs and SDC eligibility by resolution. You will have to send out notifications if anyone is on a list and do the 30 day thing listed in the Annual Adjustments discussion on page 4. As a development comes in that affects your system outside of their development, you can do an update with Council following Planning Commission approval of the development. Your conditions should read “SDC credits will be eligible to the Applicant contingent on City Council approval of the updated Capital Improvement Plan. The Public Works Director shall review and approval all requests and document submitted for justification of a credit.” Let me know if you have any questions. Regards, Gerald Fisher, PE | Senior Project Manager PROJECT DELIVERY GROUP, LLC | 3150 22nd Street SE; Salem, OR 97302 | 503-364-4004 (O) | 503-679-9237 (C) ** CONFIDENTIALITY NOTICE: The information contained in this email message, including any attachments, is for the sole use of the intended recipient(s) and may contain confidential and privileged information. Any unauthorized review, use, disclosure or distribution is prohibited. If you are not the intended recipient and have received this communication in error, please contact the sender by reply email and destroy all copies of the original message. Thank you. From: Jennifer Cline [] Sent: Tuesday, July 28, 2015 10:37 AM To: Gerald Fisher <> Subject: SCD Charts Hi Gerald, I’ve attached our SDC Methodology. If you look at page 10 there is a chart that refers to Water Line Construction Credits. It’s my understanding the Oversize Credit would apply to any oversizing the city does above an 8” diameter. Also, I can apply the $12/LF to the total water line 10” or greater in the URP and use available SDC funds based on the calculated Oversized Credit. It’s difficult to understand what is classified as “eligible construction”. The chart on pg. 14 does identify Miscellaneous upsizing, but I’m not sure if that pertains to only in the UGB and outside the City Limits?? What are your thoughts? Thanks for your help, Jennifer Cline, P.E. Public Works Director 117 N Molalla Ave. PO Box 248 * Molalla, OR 97038 O: 503.759.0218 F: 503.829.3676