From: Jennifer Cline
Sent: Wed Jun 17 14:00:53 2015
To: Geisen, Rebecca
Cc: Jeff Mccrum; Dan Huff
Subject: RE: Regional Water Providers Consortium
Importance: Normal
Hi Rebecca,
I spoke with our City Manager, Dan Huff yesterday. We would need to bring this before the council for approval, since it would be a membership process. However, I was able to gather the requested data in the meantime.
We currently have 2641 water service accounts and produce approximately 1.05 MGD.
Jennifer Cline, P.E.
City of Molalla
Public Works Director
O: 503.759.0218
F: 503.829.3676
From: Geisen, Rebecca []
Sent: Tuesday, June 16, 2015 4:40 PM
Subject: RE: Regional Water Providers Consortium
I wanted to pass on a link to our annual report from FY 13/14 which provides a good overview of all Consortium programs.
From: Geisen, Rebecca
Sent: Tuesday, June 16, 2015 4:08 PM
To: ''
Subject: Regional Water Providers Consortium
Hi Jennifer,
Thank you for your interest in the Consortium. As I mentioned, the Consortium Board must approve all new members. Their next meeting is October 7. If approved, we can pro-rate dues if you wanted to join mid-year. The process for requesting membership is pretty simple. Send us a letter expressing your interest to join. The letter should include a statement providing the reasons why Molalla desires to become a Consortium member. The letter should be addressed to:
Tom Lewis, Board Chair
Regional Water Providers Consortium
1120 SE 5th Ave. Room 600
Portland, OR 97204
Dues are based on the number of retail accounts and average daily retail water use (both for previous year) and are proportional to the budget. If you have any other questions that come up, please do not hesitate to contact me.
Rebecca Geisen
Project Manager | Intergovernmental Coordination
Portland Water Bureau | Regional Water Providers Consortium
P 503-823-7493 | F 503-823-4500 |
1120 SW 5th Ave., Room 600 | Portland, OR 97204 |