From: Jennifer Cline
Sent: Wed Feb 18 09:44:15 2015
To: James Bobst; Nicolas Lennartz
Subject: RE: Questions on Curb Cutout Specs
Importance: Normal
Hi James,
I will be headed out to the site today to take a look at the drainage ditch and make my determination on the type and size of approach the City can approve. The current TSP does not allow for approaches wider than 40-feet, however we will discuss the options internally once the site has been reviewed in the field and get back to you soon.
Jennifer Cline, P.E.
City of Molalla
Public Works Director
O: 503.759.0218
F: 503.829.3676
From: James Bobst []
Sent: Wednesday, February 11, 2015 4:37 PM
To: 'Nicolas Lennartz'
Cc: Jennifer Cline;; James Bobst
Subject: RE: Questions on Curb Cutout Specs
Importance: High
Thanks for the response Nicolas. I have left voice messages for Jennifer, but I haven’t heard back from her yet. With regard to #1, is the LID agreement mandatory? Does it cover just the cost of sidewalks if the city requires them in the future?
Also, I’d like some direction on the response to #3. A wider access is really important to our operations. This wider entrance will enhance safety as trucks will be able to enter/exit more safely to/from the street. We currently have a 60’ wide on the other end. The entrance we are wanting to build will direct trucks to the scales we will be constructing shortly. Is there any way we can make that flat part of the access 60’ wide without going through the variance process? We will meet the other standards, just the width is the concern at this point. IF we have to go through a variance, That will likely take significantly more time. Our proposed wider entry will be safer and is much better than any other access points along the streets. Any help on this matter would be greatly appreciated.
With regard to #4, we would build it down to prevent an elevation at the street. That wouldn’t work for trucks either due to clearance issues.
James Bobst
Personnel / Safety Director
Pacific Fibre Products, Inc.
PO Box 278 / 20 FibreWay
Longview, WA 98632
O) 360-577-7112; C) 360-430-0749; F) 360-577-1362
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From: Nicolas Lennartz []
Sent: Wednesday, February 11, 2015 3:57 PM
To: James Bobst
Cc: Jennifer Cline
Subject: RE: Questions on Curb Cutout Specs
Hi James,
Thank you for your patience, it’s been a long week already. I’ll answer your questions in order below:
1. At this time we will not have you construct sidewalks along Shaver. What we will do is have you construct the approaches/accesses to ADA standards, as well as sign a LID agreement for potential future expansion. What this agreement means is that if and when Shaver gets improved, the cost is shared between all adjacent property owners who benefit from the improvement, including the city.
2. This question is more for Jennifer as I am less knowledgeable about PSI strength standards for concrete mix.
3. I understand that you would like a wider access for the truck traffic, however, the development code only allows a maximum 40’ access width for industrial developments. I don’t know if you could do two ingress/egress areas, but they would have to be a minimum 50-feet apart to be up to standard. If the site configuration is such that a wider access is needed, we can explore the possibility of a variance.
4. I see no problem in going thicker with the access construction if it is built down a bit, as in, the curbs themselves aren’t raised too high. I could see that being a problem in the future with pedestrian use if the curbs are much higher than the street.
5. You are certainly allowed to perform this work however you see fit, submitting of course to city standards and an inspection prior to final approval.
I think Jennifer should be able to answer the rest of the questions.
On a side note, I am still working on the SDC’s issue. I should have an update by Friday.
Talk with you soon.
Nicolas Lennartz
Community Planner
City of Molalla
O: 503∙759∙0219; x219
F: 503∙829∙3676
C: 503∙998∙7048
From: James Bobst []
Sent: Friday, February 06, 2015 4:45 PM
To: Jennifer Cline
Cc: Nicolas Lennartz
Subject: Questions on Curb Cutout Specs
Good Friday afternoon. As you are likely aware from Nicholas’ email earlier today, he sent us the print / application for a curb cutout for our access to property on the North end of our property along Shaver. We have a few questions we need answered so that we can get started on the project.
1. Do we need to add any portion of sidewalk at the point where the top of the flare ends on the north & south ends?
2. What is the specs for the mix design for the concrete?
3. Is there a maximum width for the flat part of the approach where trucks travel over - to enter our property through our gate? We have a 60’ gate on the site plan and we want to maintain a 60’ gate. However, we’d like to make the flat part of the approach 80’ wide for ease of trucks entering / exiting our property w/o damaging curb or trailers. Total length would be about 94’ including the flares. Is this acceptable provided we comply with all other criteria?
4. The designed plans call for concrete 8” thick at the gutter and 6” thick at the back? We would like to go up to 12” thick to prevent break-up of the concrete in the future. Would this be permissible?
5. In discussion with Nicolas we want to confirm that we can do this work ourselves, provided we meet all other requirements and have the work inspected before / after. Would this be permissible.
On a separate subject Jennifer we have a few questions about water service to our property.
1. Could you provide us information on if back flow protection will be required and, if so, what type of back flow prevention will be required for our water service. We would like to start planning for that as well.
2. Are we able to install our own water service from the meter?
3. Were you able to find out anything about a sewer lateral from Shaver to our property from the serial number on the old water meter?
4. If you are unable to determine if there is a sewer lateral to our property, we may have to hire someone to scope the city sewer main on Shaver along our property.
a. Would you be open to allowing us to hire someone for that job?
b. Do you know of someone in the local area who can scope your sewer line on Shaver? We are having a tough time finding someone. Any help would be appreciated.
Thanks again for all of the assistance you and Nicholas have provided. Please call me with any questions. I look forward to hearing from you.
James Bobst
Personnel / Safety Director
Pacific Fibre Products, Inc.
PO Box 278 / 20 FibreWay
Longview, WA 98632
O) 360-577-7112; C) 360-430-0749; F) 360-577-1362
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