From: Jennifer Cline

Sent: Fri Jan 23 18:09:32 2015

To: Sadie Cramer

Cc: Dan Huff; Heather Penni

Subject: RE: Public Notice of Public Meetings

Importance: Normal

Attachments: Notice of Award_URP.docx; image001.png; image002.png;



Since this is not a competitive bidding and award process, the city does not need to give a 7 day period to appeal, details below. Once the council confirms our recommendation, we can post the following.

SECTION 9. ORS 279C.375 is amended to read:

279C.375. (1) After a contracting agency has opened bids [are opened and a determination is made that] and determined that the contracting agency will award a public improvement contract [is to be awarded], the contracting agency shall award the contract to the lowest responsible bidder.

(2) At least seven days before [the award of] awarding a public improvement contract, unless the contracting agency determines that seven days is impractical under rules adopted under ORS 279A.065, the contracting agency shall issue to each bidder or post, electronically or otherwise, a notice of the contracting agency’s intent to award a contract. This subsection does not apply to a contract [excepted or exempted from] to which competitive bidding does not apply under ORS 279C.335 (1)(c) or (d). The notice and [its] the manner [of posting or issuance] in which the notice is posted or issued must conform to rules adopted under ORS 279A.065.

We are bound under QBS process., section (4)

279C.110 Selection procedure for consultants to provide services; compensation; applicability. (1) A contracting agency shall select consultants to provide architectural, engineering, photogrammetric mapping, transportation planning or land surveying services on the basis of the consultant’s qualifications for the type of professional service required. A contracting agency may solicit or use pricing policies and proposals or other pricing information, including the number of hours proposed for the service required, expenses, hourly rates and overhead, to determine consultant compensation only after the contracting agency has selected a candidate pursuant to subsection (2) of this section.

(2) Subject to the requirements of subsection (1) of this section, the procedures that a contracting agency creates to screen and select consultants and to select a candidate under this section are at the contracting agency’s sole discretion. The contracting agency may adjust the procedures to accommodate the contracting agency’s scope, schedule or objectives for a particular project if the estimated cost of the architectural, engineering, photogrammetric mapping, transportation planning or land surveying services for the project does not exceed $250,000.

(3) A contracting agency’s screening and selection procedures under this section, regardless of the estimated cost of the architectural, engineering, photogrammetric mapping, transportation planning or land surveying services for a project, may include considering each candidate’s:

(a) Specialized experience, capabilities and technical competence, which the candidate may demonstrate with the candidate’s proposed approach and methodology to meet the project requirements;

(b) Resources committed to perform the work and the proportion of the time that the candidate’s staff would spend on the project, including time for specialized services, within the applicable time limits;

(c) Record of past performance, including but not limited to price and cost data from previous projects, quality of work, ability to meet schedules, cost control and contract administration;

(d) Ownership status and employment practices regarding minority, women and emerging small businesses or historically underutilized businesses;

(e) Availability to the project locale;

(f) Familiarity with the project locale; and

(g) Proposed project management techniques.

(4) If the screening and selection procedures a contracting agency creates under subsection (2) of this section result in the contracting agency’s determination that two or more candidates are equally qualified, the contracting agency may select a candidate through any process the contracting agency adopts that is not based on the candidate’s pricing policies, proposals or other pricing information.

Jennifer Cline, P.E.

City of Molalla

Public Works Director

O: 503.759.0218

F: 503.829.3676


From: Sadie Cramer []

Sent: Friday, January 23, 2015 3:40 PM


Cc:; 'Jennifer Cline'; City Manager - Dan Huff

Subject: Public Notice of Public Meetings

The Molalla Urban Renewal Agency and the Molalla City Council will have a regular and executive session on January 28, 2015 at 7PM at the Molalla Adult Center 315 Kennel Avenue.

The Molalla Transportation Advisory Committee will have a meeting on January 27, 2015 at 6:30pm at Molalla City Hall 117 N. Molalla Ave.



Sadie Cramer

City Recorder, MMC

City of Molalla

PH |503.829.6855 Ext. 291
