From: Jennifer Cline
Sent: Tue Mar 03 16:35:27 2015
To: Fasth, Bill
Cc:; Jason Clifford; jon patrick
Subject: RE: projected biosolids applications at the Piuser site in 2015
Importance: Normal
Attachments: Council Agenda - Biosolids Haul Request.pdf; Hi Bill, Our budget will be $50K again next year. Based on the DEQ Monitoring Frequency chart, the City would like to haul a maximum of 290 Dry Tons/year. I’m not sure that’s achievable, but it is a goal. The more we haul, the better rate Heard Farms will provide. See attached quote. Dry Weigh Metric tons/year Tons/year Monitoring Frequency 0 - 290 0 - 319 Annually 290 - 1,500 319 - 1,650 Quarterly 1,500 - 15,000 1,650 - 16,500 Bimonthly 15,000 and up 16,500 and up Monthly Jonathan – Do you have any comments? -----Original Message----- From: Fasth, Bill [] Sent: Tuesday, March 03, 2015 3:44 PM To: 'Jennifer Cline (' Subject: projected biosolids applications at the Piuser site in 2015 Hi Jennifer, I reviewed the annual report that summarized how many biosolids were applied at the Brad Johnson site in 2014. After running a few calculations, I came up with the following totals: * ~671,000 gallons were hauled and land applied * The average total solids was 3.91% * ~107 dry tons were hauled and land applied * The project was completed over 8 operating days (5 days in late August and 3 days in mid-September) * Assuming a cost paid to Herd Farms of $0.04/gallon, the total costs to the City was ~$26,840 I'm wondering if you have an estimate for how many dry tons (or gallons) the City would like to apply at the Piuser site in 2015. I'm wondering because at some point, Ralph Piuser will probably ask. I realize that limiting factors will be: * Available city budget * Available city staff to operate the dredge, etc (is the City also planning to apply solids at the Jorgensen and Brad Johnson sites in 2015?) If you have any rough estimates for how many gallons of solids that Ralph Piuser might expect to receive this year, please pass them along when possible. Thanks. Bill Bill Fasth 6500 SW Macadam Avenue, Suite 200 Portland, Oregon 97239<> Cell 541.602.9110 [Description:]<>