From: Jennifer Cline

Sent: Tue Jan 27 17:00:02 2015

To: Garrett Edmunds

Subject: RE: Pole Waiver for Pole 1472

Importance: Normal


Okay I will contact Andrew tomorrow. Sorry I didn’t make it back. I will be in my office by 8 AM tomorrow to go over everything.

Jennifer Cline, P.E.

City of Molalla

Public Works Director

O: 503.759.0218

F: 503.829.3676

image "file:///C:

From: Garrett Edmunds []

Sent: Tuesday, January 27, 2015 3:31 PM

To: Jennifer Cline

Subject: RE: Pole Waiver for Pole 1472

I have never done this before, but by doing so we will not have to spend the money to buy and set a new pole. Justin with Cherry City said that this sometimes happens.

From: Jennifer Cline []

Sent: Tuesday, January 27, 2015 1:38 PM

To: Garrett Edmunds

Subject: Fwd: Pole Waiver for Pole 1472

Is this what we want to do? I may need to call Andrew at PGE and chat with him.


Sent from my iPhone


Begin forwarded message:

From: Tony Carson <>

To: "Jennifer Cline (" <>

Subject: FW: Pole Waiver for Pole 1472

Hi Jennifer,

This is the waiver from PGE allowing you take over the pole at the pump site on Molalla rd. All you need is to sign and fill in the address. The pole then will be the city’s .


Tony Carson

Service Project Manager/Estimator

Cherry City Electric

Phone: 503-566-5600 (24 Hour Service)

Direct: 503-566-5576

Fax: 503-362-2468

Cell: 503-983-2407

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