From: Jennifer Cline

Sent: Wed Sep 24 11:28:46 2014

To: Darren Penni

Cc: Garrett Edmunds

Subject: RE: parks.......

Importance: Normal


Thanks for keeping up on this.


From: Darren Penni []

Sent: Wednesday, September 24, 2014 10:25 AM

To: Rod Lucich; 'Jennifer Cline'; Garrett Edmunds; Dan Huff

Subject: parks.......


Per Dan Huffs request I need to make you aware of a brief incident at Clark Park on Wednesday the 24th of September.

I was making my park rounds and approached what I thought was one individual sleeping under the cover at the park. When I announced myself and let them know they needed to roll out so I could clean up, the sleeping bag flew open quickly and there was a girl in the bag with him. She was very friendly and understanding and was up right away and getting herself together, he on the other hand was not so thrilled and was muttering and swearing under his breath to her that this was BS, was going to “kick my ass” etc. Again, he said this to her, not to me directly.

He did ask me if the park was open and I said “yes however you can’t sleep in the park overnight” and he continued to mutter to her.

I went about my business and finished up and although I am fairly new to the parks it sure seems like the homeless population is on the rise as well as the alcohol use in the parks. Dennis informed me today that yesterday afternoon mid – day there were younger folks openly drinking 40 ouncers under the gazebo at City Park and I saw the same thing mid –day last week in the pocket park. I pick up beer cans and bottles everyday in the parks where I believe alcohol is prohibited.
