From: Jennifer Cline
Sent: Wed Jun 15 16:38:59 2016
To: Mai Huynh-Carnes; Nicolas Lennartz; Gerald Fisher; Dan Huff
Cc:; Jacob Heitzman; Dan Foeller
Subject: RE: P119-2015 Permit Ready Letter, SDC's
Importance: Normal
Hi Mai,
See my comments below please.
Jennifer Cline, P.E. | Public Works Director
Licensed in OR, WA
117 N Molalla Ave. | PO Box 248 * |Molalla, OR 97038
O: 503.759.0218 | F: 503.829.3676
From: Mai Huynh-Carnes []
Sent: Wednesday, June 15, 2016 3:58 PM
To: 'Nicolas Lennartz' <>; Jennifer Cline <>; Gerald Fisher <>; Dan Huff <>
Cc:; Jacob Heitzman <>; Dan Foeller <>
Subject: RE: P119-2015 Permit Ready Letter, SDC's
Importance: High
Nicolas, Jennifer:
Dan from Carleton Hart Architecture forwarded your email to us, as we needed to confirm from a financial standpoint the SDC fees and waiver. Based on the information Nicolas provided regarding the most recent SDC quote and the breakdown of the credits, we are very concerned (highlighted information below for your reference).
It was previously communicated from the City of Molalla that the SDC waiver for the waterline scope of work would be a full dollar for dollar SDC waiver/credit based on the previously distributed SDC Fee Calculation Work Sheet ($109,684 for Water) and the scope of work based on the estimate provided by the engineer (Humber Design Group).
· Why indicated below is “the maximum 25% upfront credit was given where possible”, as this was never communicated to us prior to the email below? The maximum SDC credit allowed by state law is the difference between existing line size to the upsized amount required by the City. Since the line is 6” and is upsized to 8”, the capacity increase is 25%. There for a credit, dollar for dollar, of the upsized capacity can be given. The remaining cost will be reimbursed to the contractor as bid. If a design change arises during the construction, the City must approved the change and added costs prior to the work performed.
· As we have previously indicated (see attached correspondence for reference) based on our BOLI determination letter, type of funding structure and legal structure of the ownership group, we cannot receive a reimbursement of funds from the City at a later date, we can only receive a credit or waiver from the SDC fees. The reimbursement cost above the SDC credit was discussed in the meeting. However at that time I did not have an estimate for the line to calculate the SDC credit to determine what that would be.
· Also, the general contractor is obtaining a performance and payment bond for the full scope of work, including the water line scope of work. The bond in the permit only pertains to the public improvement work and does not included the water line. I saw that the contractor had included a bond for the water line, but did not include the bonding costs in the permit fees.
Provide a response as soon as possible, as we need resolution on this by tomorrow (06/16) at noon, as this will have a major impact on our project on multiple levels from a financial standpoint and a construction standpoint. We need the previously communicated and agreed upon dollar for dollar match in an SDC waiver/credit to be deducted from the SDC charges for our project to move forward.
From: Nicolas Lennartz []
Sent: Tuesday, June 14, 2016 1:16 PM
To: Dan Foeller <>
Cc: Jennifer Cline <>
Subject: P119-2015 Permit Ready Letter, SDC's
Hi Dan,
Firstly, I’ve attached the SDC quote, as well as the breakdown of how the credits were calculated. The maximum 25% upfront credit was given where possible, the remaining the fees associated with the estimate will be reimbursed once the improvements are completed. The total SDC credits (21,441$) are the sum of the totals in red after the grand total on each page.
Secondly, I am going through the conditions of approval, and most everything has been addressed that is required prior to building permit issuance. The couple of items that are outstanding I’ve illustrated below, mainly conditions c; and i;:
c. The applicant acquire a grading permit from the City of Molalla prior to building permit issuance, and abide by the conditions of the permit.
i. The applicant shall obtain written approval from the City Engineer, Public Works Director or designee regarding the adequacy of all engineering plans prior to building permit issuance. This is including, but not limited to:
i. Storm-water facilities
ii. Road improvements
iii. Easement recordation
I already have written approval from the Fire Marshal, and other conditions are either satisfied or are required prior to occupancy. The grading permit can be issued through myself. I looked for grading details in the original submission and I did find the preliminary civil plans (attached for reference), but they are still labeled preliminary-not for construction. If I received a finalized version of those plans that would satisfy the submission requirement. If I receive an email from Jennifer stating that conditions i; is satisfied, then I will provide the permit ready letter.
Please let me know if there is anything I may have missed in this email.
Nicolas Lennartz | Community Planner | City of Molalla
O: 503∙759∙0219 | C: 503∙998∙7048
communityplanner at
117 N. Molalla Ave. | Molalla, OR 97038