From: Jennifer Cline

Sent: Wed Aug 12 09:23:42 2015

To: Bill Avison

Cc: Dan Huff

Subject: RE: ODOT Region 1 - 2nd meeting with the OTC

Importance: Normal

Attachments: OTCStaffReport.pdf;


Hi Bill,

Thank you for the message…

I will be submitting an application for the available STIP – Enhanced funds, see attached Staff Report in the next few months.

I did received some clarification yesterday on what Enhance funds are “actually” available. The Staff report is not clear.

We are only eligible to apply for Bike and Ped improvements, and I believe the bucket for Region 1 is $11M to share. However, there is another bucket of $18M funds is available for Region 1 that will be designated by ODOT and the ACT. These funds could be used to make full intersection improvements at high accident locations such as Toliver Rd or Ona Way intersections and improve bike and ped access as well.

The City is also focused on finding construction funds for the paving of OR 211 that currently has maintenance fund for the design.


Jennifer Cline, P.E.

City of Molalla

Public Works Director

O: 503.759.0218

F: 503.829.3676

From: Bill Avison []

Sent: Tuesday, August 11, 2015 10:45 PM

To: Rogge Deborah <>; Dan Huff <>; Jennifer Cline <>

Cc: George Pottle <>

Subject: ODOT Region 1 - 2nd meeting with the OTC

Hi All:

Just wanted you to know I have been working for Molalla and Clackamas County at the last ACT meeting which also involved the officials from the OTC.

When the meeting was over we had an reception and I had an opportunity to discuss one on one the needs of the rural areas of Clackamas County with several of the main Salem folks including Matthew Garrett, ODOT Director (letter attached). I really plugged Molalla, the great living environment, and the available employment lands, but I also focused on how the infra structure in the rural areas (and particularly State Hwy's like 211 and 213) need improvements to help build jobs which could help in the overall economic recovery for the State.




PO Box 419 * Molalla, OR 97038


503-829-9001 Office

503-210-1200 Fax