From: Jennifer Cline
Sent: Tue Dec 22 12:19:00 2015
To: Dan Huff;;
Subject: Re: new complaint
Importance: Normal
The Shirley's ��
As an alternative I can offer a self test instead. We can provide the Shirley's with the kit with instructions to take the sample and bring it into the city. We will send it in to Alexin labs to be tested. We offer this for anyone outside the City as a service, but the cost is typically born on the homeowner.
Sent from my iPhone
On Dec 22, 2015, at 11:05 AM, Dan Huff <> wrote:
BTW – The Shipley’s did install a UV system. We have a sample packs available if they want to test their own water. Bill Fasth just told us that if their UV system is working is working they shouldn’t have a problem. $1,800 for Bill to come out and do a test for someone who is complaining about storm water form Hwy 211 on the south side of Bear Creek when they live on the north side.
From: Christine Hein []
Sent: Tuesday, December 22, 2015 11:01 AM
To: Dan Huff <>
Cc: J.W. Ring <>; Mark Strandberg <>
Subject: RE: new complaint
Thanks, Dan. We will work up a written response to Tiffany based on this info and will include the photos. Please let us know if anyone from DEQ shows up.
Christine L. Hein
Ring Bender LLLP
Direct: 503.964.6726
Cell: 503.314.0958
P Please consider the environment before printing this e-mail.
From: Dan Huff []
Sent: Tuesday, December 22, 2015 10:57 AM
To: Christine Hein
Subject: FW: new complaint
Tina – Mr. Shipley (as best we can tell) is talking about the “overland flow” on Jogenson’s property as you can see in the one photo. This water is pure and simple storm water runoff and is occurring during record rainfall no less. Jen is going to have Jason take some strategic phots and we will get those to you.
From: YELTON-BRAM Tiffany []
Sent: Tuesday, December 22, 2015 10:22 AM
To: 'Dan Huff' <>
Cc: J.W. Ring <>; Jennifer Cline <>
Subject: RE: new complaint
Hi there
I just spoke with Mr. Shirley and he is concerned about overland flow on the field near his home that has created a channel in the field. If you have someone go to his site to see what he is seeing, please let me know along with the explanation. I ask this because this is now an open complaint in our agency’s complaint system and the site visit by city staff will help determine our response. Thanks!
Tiffany Yelton Bram
WQ Source Control Manager
Oregon Department of Environmental Quality
700 NE Multnomah St., Suite #600
Portland OR 97232
Desk 503 229 5219
Mobile 503 975 0046
From: Dan Huff []
Sent: Tuesday, December 22, 2015 10:12 AM
Cc: J.W. Ring; Jennifer Cline
Subject: RE: new complaint
Tiffany – Jennifer Cline had a long conversation with Mr. Shirley this morning at 9:00 am. He is also complaining about the actual storm runoff from Highway 211 that runs between the Plant and Jorgenson’s hay field. He made a claim with Jennifer that we discharged on December 16th which is untrue. We tested all the wells as people requested last May. We did offer to do the same with this planned discharge. Our lead Wastewater Operator was also going to meet him on site this morning.
Dan Huff
City Manager
City of Molalla, Oregon
(503) 829-6855
This e-mail is a public record of the City of Molalla and is subject to public disclosure unless exempt from disclosure under Oregon Public Records Law. This e-mail is subject to State Retention Schedule
From: YELTON-BRAM Tiffany []
Sent: Tuesday, December 22, 2015 10:02 AM
To: 'Dan Huff' <>; Jennifer Cline <>
Cc: J.W. Ring <>
Subject: FW: new complaint
I will call Mr. Shirley to let him know we received his complaint and I will share what I learn. Please contact him to follow up too. Please let me know the outcome. Thanks.
Tiffany Yelton Bram
WQ Source Control Manager
Oregon Department of Environmental Quality
700 NE Multnomah St., Suite #600
Portland OR 97232
Desk 503 229 5219
Mobile 503 975 0046
From: GILL Derek
Sent: Tuesday, December 22, 2015 9:29 AM
To: NWR Complaints; YELTON-BRAM Tiffany
Cc: COLE David
Subject: new complaint
Good morning. Can you input the following information into a new complain for me? I am DO for water quality in NW Region and got a call from James Shirley about The City of Molalla’s wastewater treatment plant. James is a nearby resident and says that the treatment center is currently discharging sewage into Bear Creek. He also mentioned that the plant has done this before and has contributed to contaminated well water on his property. Every time this happens the plant is required to post notifications on neighboring properties to offer a test for any contamination. James also called the City of Mollala (Jennifer Klein) and he said that she was very unhelpful. James was very irritated at the situation and would like a call back from DEQ regarding the matter.
Complainant- James Shirley- 503-936-4618
Others Contacted- City of Molalla (Jennifer Klein)
Tiffany- I spoke with Dave Cole about this complaint and he said that you are taking point on the City of Molalla complaints. Do you mind giving him a ring? Feel free to pop by if you need any more info.
Derek Gill | Water Quality Specialist
Oregon Department of Environmental Quality
700 NE Multnomah St. Ste 600 Portland, OR 97232
503-229-6855 |